"Shitty US healthcare" or "prayer" is not the reason you're risking your life trying to self-medicate using beer and plastic straws. But it does sound better than "I make poor decisions."
Yesterday morning I fell out of bed, this morning I woke up wearing my glasses and without a pillow. Apparently I fell asleep reading, which happens often but a lot of the time I sleep in my contacts (yes, I know I'm not supposed to do that) or at least manage to wake up once to put my kindle and my glasses on the table. I also didn't have a pillow because my two year old had his feet on it this morning. Now my neck hurts. That kid needs to start staying in his own bed all night.
Certainly seems like that's one thing Texas has over California: Woman Gets Backlash for Having Invasive Bear Killed
My sister hosted a play group for her kids this weekend. Here's every suburbanite, middle-aged mother in a nutshell: -"Have you read 50 Shades of Grey?" -"Vaccines cause autism." -"Spencer is allergic to peanuts." -"I always get a soy chai after yoga." -"I drive a Ford Focus." -"I'm divorced, my ex-husband lives in Florida." -"I use Blue Apron." "Julianna is an honor student. Couldn't you tell by the the bumper sticker?" "I have a sign in my living room that says LIVE. LAUGH. LOVE."
I made chicken tacos in the slow cooker for dinner because I'm lazy and it sounded good. They turned out pretty good except for the fact that we don't have any shredded cheese or sour cream. Whoever does the grocery shopping around here needs to get their shit together.
I don't really get this, because it is pretty easy to just not click on that thread. I just can't see getting all that worked up over anything that is posted here. It's not like there is anyone here whose opinion actually matters. Hell, I don't think that I've ever even given a negative rep here. I once had to shove the extension tube from a vacuum down a full-grown steer's throat because it had a runaway gas-producing reaction going on in its rumen. If that hadn't worked, the next step was to stab it in the side to relieve the pressure and hope that the vet got there before its lungs collapsed. Also, I was 11.
Yeah, political discussions are fucking wierd. My friend took a few years off facebook to focus on law school. In the last month he's back and no matter how hard I try to ignore it I'll get sucked into his political post. 9 times out of ten it's to troll his trolling. You really get worked up over this shit.
I have the munchies, and there isn't anything to munch on. WAH. The closest thing I have is Chobani flip things and provolone cheese. And peanut butter. Someone McGyver something for me. Please!
Similar, I never got why people would get so pissed and lose their shit when they'd open a thread about a TV show that was being discussed and claimed something was spoiled for them because they hadn't watched the latest episode yet. If you didn't want to risk spoilers, don't open the thread especially once a new episode had been aired. Doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to grasp? But this is drunk thread? Working to get there with some cold beer and the olympics. America!!
(Sorry don't know how to post under a picture but I gotta let that stand for itself.) Tuesday is 9 years since I survived the brain tumor. That was my operation date. Normally it turns me into an emotional wreck around this time, but instead this year I'm celebrating three days out by starting a BBQ marathon that's gonna last 12 days. (Also doing my take on Netts sangria for my wife.) Expect a lot of food porn in the future. Tomorrow is bacon warped chicken on my infrared grill. Basting it with a champagne and caramelized shallot mix.
I am proud to say that as a suburbanite middle-aged mother, none of those apply to me. Although I kinda wish my ex-husband did live in Florida.