they are usually the industry leader when it comes to wages, simply because every bit of in-store sales is recycled back into that one facility
Leaving for my bachelor party tomorrow. 5 days in New Orleans. Im wearing my Bush / Cheney campaign shirt on the way down there, I hope I dont get killed. Have a great week idiots.
Yes. You will have a terrible time going through the deep south in that shirt. You may get upwards of 2 free drinks and a speech about the "immigrant problem." While in New Orleans, for the love of all that is unholy, go to Big Daddy's on Bourbon St. The 50 bucks is worth explaining to your fiance why you have chlamydia in every orifice. When you leave that place, you actually have to leave through a plastic decontamination room.
Well I was thinking people might take issue because of the Katrina thing. Then again I wear it all the time, even up in this liberal utopia and no one has ever said a thing. One of the guys going is obsessed with the Idea of seeing a black stripper. Like "hasnt shut up about it for a month" obsessed.
I can see them any given day outside of this place on my way home from work, grabbing a smoke and talking up the patrons. As far as I can tell they have two boobs and an ass, just like the white or latina strippers.
The last time I was at the rippers, I saw a heavily pregnant black stripper who looked like she was about 16. I guess I went on "C Squad" night. Worst dancer I'd ever seen. That belly just straight up fucked up her rhythm on the pole.
So what do you do if the clerk at the store won't sell you cigarettes because you don't have proper ID? Wrong. Woman shoots at gas station clerk after being denied cigarettes
It's not the part where someone pulls a gun for a stupid reason I don't get, it's the part where you just start shooting instead of using the gun to make the person give you the cigs that baffles me.
It's the principle, dude. It's not about the cigarettes, it's about backing yourself with cold-blooded killing when someone disagrees with you. It's about acting like a responsible adult.
This weekend, I was walking my dog and as I was coming up on an open field area (off a high traffic street, mind you), I could hear a sound coming from it that I couldn't quite identify. I thought it may be a firecracker just because of the volume and the snap sound but I wasn't quite sure. So when I came around to the open area, I saw a dude practicing snapping a whip. Just all matter of fact, out there practing just off a busy street, trying to get this whip to snap. He looked exactly like I would imagine someone doing this would look like - not that I've put much thought into what someone should look like who would be doing this type of thing but when I saw him, it just made sense and I thought "yep, that seems about right". I then saw him again today. I wonder if there's some sort of whip snapping competition coming up that he's getting ready for. Or perhaps he has livestock that he'll be using it on? Is this a thing that I'm not aware of?... because it was just all kinds of bizarre and amusing to me.
I'd forgotten how infuriating it is to try and sell a used car on Craigslist/Facebook. Bunch of shit bag rednecks offering $500 and a box of ammo or sob story single moms who want a perfect car for $850. I am more inclined to help out a single parent but I am not giving the car away. I'd say you'd be amazed at what people post on Facebook wanted ads but you wouldn't be.
I usually go for Rex Goliath $5.99/bottle to make sangria or pasta sauce. I justify it by saying it is "everyday" wine and buying nice bottles for occasions.
I just got done with our annual store inventory. Afterward we do a Car Bar behind the store, and this year a coworker bought Yuengling. I was so happy, since I'm a PA guy, and I can't deny my love for Lager. Afterward I was hungry and wanted some McDonald's since they're one of two places open. But NO. The employees at McD's have decided they're closed. The lights on, but all doors locked, no response at the drive thru. I even tried to open the door (since the sign says drive thru AND LOBBY OPEN 24 HOURS). Some dude just comes to the door and says "man, we're closed." Me: "but it says 24 hours on the sign." Him: "yeah, but we're closed." Fuckers. I hate waiting for steak and shake.
When my brother was first starting as a mechanic, he went through a phase where he bought junkers to fix up then sold them when he got bored or found another one. He once had a Thunderbird listed for $300 and a guy tried to talk him into taking payments of $20 a month. He had some bullshit sob story and went on and on about how he really needed a car today. I'm of the opinion that if you can't scrape together $300 for something you absolutely have to have, then not having a car is not the most urgent problem in your life that needs resolving.
That's the problem with these young whipper-snappers today. They refuse to try the old, sure-fire methods.
I hate selling anything on craigslist. My wife and I are in the process of moving so we are selling furniture we don't want to take to our new place. The old woodwork that people can use for restoration projects we had no issues getting rid of (thanks Pintrest!). The couch was a whole different story. It was a rather nice leather couch with a pullout queen sized bed. We wanted it gone so we listed it for $50. People tried offering $10. People wanted to trade us things. People wanted us to hold onto it for a few weeks so they could save money to rent a truck and pick it up. Four people said they were coming for the couch, but never showed. I feel like there needs to be a version of craigslist with registered users and a ratings system so you know who you are dealing with,