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8/8/14 WDT NSFW

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shegirl, Aug 8, 2014.

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  1. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    i didn't say not allowed in the absolute sense, i just said not allowed without getting smacked. big difference.

    but, and seriously, i'm not sure we're disagreeing as much as you think we are. some people (and i don't mean you) who go on about such things like "suicide is stupid" - and i'm reminded of a past board member who shall not be named who went on at some length about it - pretend that saying something like that is in any way useful or productive. if you look at the techniques suicide hotlines use, they don't try to tell people in crisis that suicide is a bad option or that they still have a lot left to live for, they try to sympathize a little bit and tell people that their feelings are valid. they don't actually encourage people to commit suicide, but someone in crisis is more likely to respond if they hear a little bit of understanding, and saying cliched things like "you have so much to live for!" or "think of your family!" is actually discouraged.
  2. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
  3. Rush-O-Matic

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    Nov 11, 2009
    come at me, bro.

    fair enough. and, i think the reaction, and maybe this answers part of angel's question, is because the ones left behind are so hurt, and simply left with too many questions. with a terminal illness, the survivors know. yep, dammit, fucking cancer, man. whereas, when someone who eats a shotgun, because they couldn't stay sober or get out of a financial mess or simply couldn't cope with the challenge of fighting real depression, the family and friends want to know what they could've done.
  4. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    even that's not so cut and dried. my ex had meds that "worked", but they worked by making her sleep for 18 hours of the day and a zombie for the other 6. she'd literally be so out of it she'd drool while staring at the wall in the direction of tv while on the couch.

    she had no quality of life either on or off her meds, so it's a self-medicating balancing act right on the knife's edge for her.

    aside from personal selfishness, i could totally understand if she offed herself. it's like chinese water torture... just how long do you expect someone to be able to handle that?

    it's kind of a given that she goes into the mental ward 2-3 times a year for a 10-day "spa week" to refresh her ability to cope.
  5. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    yet another reason this board impresses me, this has been a varied yet even handed discussion on depression and mental illness. too often you won't get that. talking to my mom this morning, she hoped these kinds of discussions would come out of this sadness. likely it won't in any meaningful way, but every little bit counts.

    my family has a history of depression, on both sides, but approached very differently. my mom's side, despite being less educated and lower middle class, was open about it and encouraging to mitigate the risks in any way possible. my dad's side, very educated and affluent with means to do whatever, chooses to downplay the severity and thinks of medication for it as "weak". its ridiculous.

    i had minor depression caused by anxiety in hs. i would get so hung up on things that it would overcome me and i would be completely worthless. i went on medication when i was 16 and my friends noticed such a marked improvement that they asked my parents if something had been bothering me that i got over cause the difference was so profound. i tried to wean off in college and nearly flunked out. i haven't been on anything in about 8 years, but it was a process to get there. i wouldn't say the medication saved my life, but it really helped get me through what is a tough, stressful time under "normal" circumstances and helped shape who i am today.

    my youngest sister is struggling hard with depression now, coupled with recovering from a pretty severe eating disorder. and the peaks and valleys of it are brutal. and this is a very attractive 18 year old girl from an affluent family who is going to a great school on a partial scholarship in the fall. classic "what does she have to be unhappy about" bullshit. i mean, my dad, who is a caring and awesome father, has gotten in arguments with my mom about it because of the aforementioned ignorance from his family about the topic. "when i was depressed when i was younger, i used to just go to my room and listen to music in my headphones and i would feel better". its really hard and its made my family even more in tuned to everything. my "specialization" when i was a psych major in college was abnormal psychology, not cause i wanted to be a psychiatrist, but rather to help understand it all more, cause it is far more common than people would like to admit.

    as far as robin williams, the response has been really cool. despite the last 5-7 years being "eh" in terms of his career, he was a tremendous talent, with incredible range. i knew every one of the genie's lines from aladdin when i was a kid, good will hunting is my favorite movie, and his bit about scottish people and golf is one of my favorite 5 min of standup (that whole standup where he drinks about 35 bottles of water is incredible too). id never name him as a favorite actor off the top of my head, but his impact on what i've loved is profound. supposedly the whole idea of going off script and doing large chunks of dialogue improved becoming common was as a result of some of his work. tremendous loss.
  6. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    i have family like this too. its like they live in a bubble with no real understanding of what people go through when they can use their money to make most problems go away. my uncle and his wife are super rich. he was a famous psychologist(at least in the psych world, he was famous) and just about as arrogant and pompous as they come. and its worse now that they are retired. the lack of compassion and understanding they have would make your jaw hit the floor. yet, they claim to be very open-minded and caring about the world. its more like wishy-washy rich white liberal compassion. i don't mean for that to sound political, but what i'm saying is that their compassion is phoned in and reeks of snobbery. like discussing world hunger over wine and caviar. they are super palm beachy.

    one time at thanksgiving, when he was drunk as shit, he started sounding off about all the mental health stuff he thought was just bullshit. the things he was saying, while a little bit funny, were just horrible and dismissive of people with real problems. and this coming from someone who spent his life studying personality and mental disorders.
  7. toddamus

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    medication is another really tough issue. the current anti-depressants available are controversial as to whether they're actually clinically effective or if a large part of the effect is placebo. not to mention the side effects are very real. i think ssri's raise the level of serotonin in the brain in a few days, however it can take a few weeks for the beneficial effects to be felt. papers have shown these meds to effective in people with severe depression, so moderate to mild depression people may not be helped.the whole topic is really touchy and people have very deep opinions. i think my bias may be clear in this post.

    but that said, if the effects are placebo, and the person is being helped fuck it. i really hope a new generation of anti-depressants will emerge but that seems unlikely as the financial incentive to develop them just isn't there right now.

    however, for other psych stuff, like adhd, the meds are effective. adderrall contributes significantly to my qol.
  8. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    robin williams is probably the first actor to die where i actually had to take a moment and be sad. he's just done so much, and as far as we know, never had a bad bone in his body. he could be a million people at once, just at the top of is head. such a creative force and his late show appearances were probably the most insane bouts of genius.

    he'll for sure be missed. i'm just sad that all the new projects he was working on can't get made. mrs. doubtfire 2 after all this time was going to be something.
  9. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    is this a common thing in the psych profession? i'd say half of the people i know that took psych as a major did it because they had some trauma or were trying to cope with severe psychological issues themselves. to learn what was wrong with themselves from their higher education. the other half were semi lazy types that had to get a degree in something and psych is generally more interesting a field than most other just got to get a degree majors.
  10. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    just because this thread needs a little light.

    i'd like to introduce you to niykee heaton. i don't give a fuck what you think about her retarded spelling of her name. she doesn't either.

    here is her instagram. please clean-up after yourselves.

    oh she sings too.
    #230 Parker, Aug 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    girl is super fine.
  12. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    i can't speak to the entire profession. i gravitated towards psych because i had be pre-med and was switching to business but i didn't want to jump completely. but given i was looking to finance/marketing, social psychology (which is dumbed down and repackaged to make up most marketing textbooks) would have made the most sense for a specialization, but i went toward abnormal for reasons you mentioned as well as realizing it had some applicability.

    as for niykee heaton, thank god she's 18. i first discovered her doing a chief keef cover when she was 16 and immediately banished her name from my thoughts. i'm not unhappy she's back, sans jailbait tag.
  13. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

  14. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    so, are you nominating her for this week's twitter girltm? because last week's posted a booty shot just for you, so you wouldn't forget about her.

  15. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    as i told my friend earlier today. i'm not just relegating her to random hot twitter girl, she can sing. i went and listened to some of her covers, she's good and has potential. she can sing, which makes her stand out. she's not like that chick we were talking about pages ago which is simply a ridiculous body. i'm in love. if i had an instagram account, i'd be fighting myself from posting those inane comments that we were shitting on. that is hotness.

    i will have to stop myself from adding in one of her instagrams every post, regardless of what the topic is.
  16. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    holy shit. that mma tool war machine almost beat porn star christy mack to death.

    graphic images of her assault in the article: ... e-attack-i

    the worst part of her story: "he has beaten me many times before, but never this badly." jesus fuck.

    this is the same dipshit that let a couple 4chan trolls enrage him so bad he punched himself in the face. steroids are bad, kids. also he has a neck tattoo so you know he belongs in prison.
  17. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    that makes me physically sick to my stomach. the pics are terrible. she's lucky to be alive. i hope he gets what he deserves.
  18. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    this story is so disconcerting in so many ways. mainly because he is such an absolutely worthless piece of shit. but also because of fucking morons who try to marginalize christy mack or her situation cause she's a porn star, as if it makes her less of a person. i saw in the comments on what article i was reading, ripping on war machine, but then subtle jabs when talking about his motives like "i don't know why he could get mad about her cheating. when you are dating the village bicycle, how can you get mad at other people riding that bicycle." people are just pious, ignorant, celibate fuckheads. and as far as porn stars go, i'd heard a few stories of her being intelligent, witty, and generally outgoing. i'm sure she has many fans in prison who are itching for retribution. hope she gets better soon.
  19. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    i think comments sections are the worst thing to happen to the internet in a long time. sure, in some places they are funny but by and large, it becomes a medium for some of the most hateful shit i have ever read. i know that a lot of people pile on the hyperbole when anonymity comes into play, but even still, you have to come up with that shit.
  20. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    i was just coming on here to post this same story.

    they were broken up for months. he comes there and finds a guy there. and quoting him "i was forced to fight for my life". yeah you, the hulking mma trained pro fighter were forced to defend yourself against a button-cute girl half your fucking size.

    i want him to drown to death in hpv-fueled cum shots fired from 8-gauge shotguns. what an utter fuckcake. he actually is tweeting he was on his way there to propose right before he broke every bone in her face and tenderized her fucking torso until it was blacker than a thousand midnights. i hope they fuck you with the broken end of the broom while they smother your face in a bag of rice, you disgrace of a human being.

    her being a porn star has nothing to do with what happened. none. this is about a shitpile, monster, open-sore coward who relishes in beating women half his size and then hiding like a bitch from the music.

    this is she. she is fucking beautiful:


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