well if the war machine / dog the bounty hunter thing was going to get any weirder, corey from pawn stars just offered another $10k onto the bounty. https://twitter.com/corey_harrison/stat ... 5395320832
god damnit, i made the mistake of looking at the comments under corey harrison's tweet. looks like there are people who think, openly on twitter, in 2014, that maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge war machine, because there is word that the other man involved might have been black. shit like that makes me need a xanax.
not before he calls a buddy who knows everything there is to know about apprehending professional fighters who beat up porn stars.
despite how utterly nonsensical and racist that is, the guy was a piece of shit even before this happened. judge him. judge him entirely. if there ever was a time for american police to "accidentally" kill a suspect, this is it.
if it gets claimed, they'll probably say the bounty has lost value since it was announced and instead offer a store credit of $100. yeah, like those cheap fat fucks would give a hundred bucks for anything.
are you talking about "steve jed fleishman?" i think he's trolling, not that it makes what he sais okay. but i think he was doing the whole, "be a dick on the internet for the lolz" type thing. even though there is no anonymity.
check out the rest of his tweets (or not, probably best you don't)... you'll see he's either a junior klansman or one hell of a troll. either way i say we blindfold him, tell him we're bringing him to a rally with his buddies, and drop him off in east st. louis.
speaking of st. louis and twitter this is my favorite twitter ever. https://twitter.com/bestfansstlouis the person who runs it retweets all of the racist, horrible and inaccurate things that fans of the st. louis cardinals tweet. no commentary, just the horrible tweets.c
those are the people mlb players say are the best fans in baseball? how fucked up is that city? i know east st. louis is (statistically) the worst city in america but i have never been. there are countless racists on twitter, but unlike other places people on twitter are proudly, openly racist. even using what seems to be their real names. it's as if racists aren't bright or something.
i was born in southern illinois, deep in cards territory. now that's an area to take pride in! Spoiler or not.
st. louis is cleveland with a brewery or detroit with an arch. the only redeeming quality is the lack of liquor laws and some of the larry flint controlled areas on the east side.
i've been to st. louis several times when i was younger. at times, i felt like i was in a different fucking country. it was just so bad. we went on a family vacation to meet my uncle in st. louis because it was sort of a halfway mark from where he was living. i wasn't very excited to go. we got lost on the way to the meeting point, as per my dad's usual m.o. if we went anywhere and we ended up somehow on mlk blvd. four white people in a blue dodge caravan obviously lost in the worst place i've ever been. everything looked like shit. cars in the front yard on cinder blocks, shopping carts everywhere. every building was a piece of shit. and every single person we drove by stopped what they were doing and stared us down. i was 13 and terrified. i've been through detroit. i've been to riviera beach in west palm. compton, staten island. i went to middle school in pampano beach and got beat down my first week of 6th grade. i live in fucking houston where there have been rap songs written about our 5th ward. and drug documentaries about our 3rd ward. even with all that, st. louis scared me more.