go to a bar around 1, short of being a revolting creature lacking hygiene, most every female, festively plump included, could be getting laid if they wanted to. thats the tradeoff.
i actually had a conversation about this very thing with el husband last night. we were trying to figure out who had it worse: ugly dudes or ugly chicks. my view is that ugly chicks have it worse because men who are ugly can compensate by being successful and confident, while women, who often tie sex with love, are stuck being the bottom of the barrel for men. women can be successful and driven but are usually judged by their looks a disproportionate amount. plus, while as a female they can probably get laid whenever if they really try, they are stuck having sex with men who may not want any more from them but sex. i guess what i'm trying to say is that ugly people should just bang other ugly people and stay together to create more ugly children. edit: actually it would make more sense to never have children. birth control for the uglies
if you're going to go for whatever you can take home, do it early. no sense in trying to do it at 3 am and blackout.
but what about if they aren't? we are talking about the bubble that is the syphilitic dive bar at last call. put an ugly fat woman next to an ugly fat man at the bar together, that woman is more than likely to get picked up by some random dude with a chub he doesn't want to waste. the guy will go home and fire off some knuckle children. she will always have the option to be more selective than he will.
the last part i meant more about relationships than lays. a wholly unattractive woman might go home with a dude who normally wouldn't pursue a relationship with her but when it comes to spending a prolonged amount of time together, she's gonna have to go for an ugly. or maybe a guy who is attractive but has some severe social skill issues. attractiveness isn't just about exterior looks. the conversation i had last night was more about the effect that being ugly/unwanted had on your psyche and on your quality of life. it's a bit different when you're only talking about drunk people in a dive bar.
as i am not homosexual, no, and i don't see any relevance to the argument at hand because of this. my friends with zero standards could also be asked the same question, a hole seems to be hole to them, why not a man's anus?
noo.... Spoiler what could possibly make you think that those fine catches have severe social skill issues?
Re: How to die during foreplay cheese. gooey, pungent, runny, cheese. artisanal, some might say. lunch anyone?
its nature, ugly people end up with ugly people most of the time, but if an ugly person has a pretty exceptional personality and isn't fugly they can do better for themselves. guys have it easier when it comes to looks, a moderately attractive or less than average looking guy can get some pretty attractive women if he has the right personality or is a pro athlete. however, girls have it much easier when it comes to getting laid. a moderately attractive guy with an average personality will still have trouble getting laid on some nights where as a moderately attractive girl with a decent personality should have no issue.
well, billy joel married (and divorced) christie brinkley, and ric ocasek married paulina porizkova (still married!), so add musician after pro athlete.