if you're going to do something to her lawn, use miracle gro to write cunt in her front yard. make sure you use more than the recommended dose so the shit becomes a nice dark green and grows faster than the rest of the lawn. even if she mows it everyday you'll still be able to clearly see the contrast.
not potentially - assuredly. don't combat someone poisoning their property by buying bigger badder poison and putting it on their property. when that shit runs off - which it will, because it's not going to adsorb to the soil - you've got a far greater problem than you want on your hands, i promise you. seriously. don't pour gasoline on someone's lawn. do you have any idea how fucking stupid that is?
the hormones are make you irrational aren't they? assuming he just sprays some on, i doubt there will be any runoff.
exactly. if you can't deal with a small animal walking through your back yard, then please, instead of poisoning your grass, mix the chemicals with some paint thinner and give yourself an enema.
miracle grow on the lawn seems a much more subtle answer. plus then she is having to get out and mow the lawn every day to keep the letters down. good job danger boy.
there's a huge issue with that, it assumes he's competent writing letters with fertilizer in the dark. i'll guess that if he did that it'd just end up being one larger mound of grass, what a burn. gasoline is much more gratifying and effective.
not true, baseball teams use fertilizer to put pictures on the outfield all the time. football teams would have different shades of grass every five yards back in the day. just spray the fertilizer on a full moon and there should be plenty of light.
if you adjust your sprayer wand so it's putting out a nice, even band of product and apply it consistently, you'd be surprised at how clear the edges of the letters will be.
anybody who has an issue with a cat on their yard should feel free to move to another continent. because it is commonplace here, everywhere, all the time. it's a cat. have you seen what rabbit, skunks and coyotes do? that woman is a piece of shit the end. who kills somebody's pet? did their dad rape them in a michael myers mask?
High octane what the hell? if you can't fight with your neighbors, what's the point of even having neighbors. sheesh.
yes i understand it is a cat. it's probably not doing anything. that's not the point. the point is you are knowingly doing something against someones wishes.
this is exactly my problem with cat owners. so if you can have an outdoor cat, why cant i have an out door dog? and so what if it is a 8 pound cat? or a 6 pound dog?
it doesn't bother me really, but i assume the answer for these folks is "either confine it or don't have an outdoor cat."
go ahead. i don't give a shit unless it was attacking people. i sure as shit won't lay out a bowl of antifreeze for it. also keep in mind this wasn't my cat. before anyone comes up with the asinine comment i should have adopted the cat, why should i? he was doing just fine. so what about possum, raccoon, fox? wild animals with about the same size and impact as a cat (granted, the raccoons are a real nuisance during mating time). i can poison them right? then they can crawl into the neighbor's shed/attic and putrify in there. that's cool? what about the neighbor's dog repeatedly getting out and going on my property? can i poison it or shoot it because dad-gummit this'n here is my yard. we're not talking about kids or bums that know better, but a fucking wild animal minding its own business. this is a stupid argument because you don't want a 7 pound critter on your grass. my uncle used to shoot armadillos "because they dig holes in my yard!" his yard was half dirt and half wild grass because he lived in a rural shit hole.