just read a slew of articles saying that the steering on those cars has something to do with the throttle. Hit the gas to swerve and make a move type thing. I don't know if this is true or not as - well. I know jack shit about racing. I spent the weekend working Otakon in Baltimore. Couple of observations: 1. The Convention Center staff did an AMAZING job keeping that joint clean. I didn't have to leave the building and go four blocks to pee. That was nice. 2. Those nerds - man. Talk about a culture that crosses genders, generations, social status, all of it. They're all inclusive. At one point a 50+ year old man walked past me with a school girl outfit and pink wig on, wearing 4" heels and holding a wand. Pretty sure that wasn't his normal attire...but hey. Good for him. However inclusive the culture may be - I wish they'd bathe. That'd be nice. Someone approached our booth and had such massively awesome body odor I vomited in my mouth. Sadface.
Just learned that one of my good friends is family with the dude who was killed by Stewart. Well there goes my ability to make "he was smoked!!!" jokes.
My brother has a little bit of experience with sprint cars, and he's convinced that the sound meant Stewart was trying to miss him. The way he explained it, brakes make you drift up the track and throttle brings you down. I've honestly gotta question what the fuck that kid thought he was going to accomplish. Even on a caution those cars are hauling ass, and dirt is not a great medium to maneuver on. It sucks that a whole bunch of people just got their lives ruined because this fucktard decided he was going to be a big macho tough guy and try to fight a car.
In dirt track racing, throttle pushes you down the track, brakes push you up, the idiots who say "he gunned the engine! He was trying to kill him!" are just that, IDIOTS. Again it sucks all around that this happened but the fact remains if the guy would have stayed in his car like he was supposed to, he'd be alive today.
So true. What the fuck is it about people who think that they understand shit just because they thought about it for a couple of seconds, but have no real experience in it? It's almost laughable at how major car nuts get their world rocked when they start to actually learn how to drive. Lots of car control stuff is counter-intuitive and requires practice to become the reflex action.
I had no idea what this was, so I had to look it up. Now I have a question. What did you wear? You're the girl on the left, aren't you? Spoiler
The girl on the right is going to have back problems by the time she hits 25, I guarantee it. But damn, I'd like to hold her books and walk her to school.
I'm not sure what you mean, but she's a lab nerd, so I'm sure y'all would get along famously.* Spoiler *And, by "get along famously" I mean you should contact her, and then post pictures here of y'all making out.
this statement right here is what pisses me off about the world today. no one seems to take responsibility for their actions anymore, it's always someone else's fault and it's utter bullshit. "there are no accidents, only actions." is something i like to quote in these occasions. you may find yourself in a situation where an accident happened, but your actions led up to that accident. there are extenuating circumstances but you are always to blame to some extent.
really glad everyone is on the same page as me with the race car thing. that dude was out on the track, its not like he just stepped out his car, he was out and away from his car to the middle of the track to get hit. on top of that he was looking to get into a fight, that wasn't just some fake yelling "hold me back!" type of shit. yeesh. if i was his family though, i'd be a little pissed that the headline is "tony stewart hit a guy" as opposed to "guy hit by tony stewart" i get he's the most famous one, but that sucks. also that info about accelerating and breaking needs to be more widespread, it helps people understand the situation.