Hipsters are trying WAY to hard for attention these days. By the way if anybody owns an iPhone here DON'T update the new software. It sucks HPV cock. I am pretty sure they made it worse in every way.
It's like they randomly selected the brighest colours off MS Paint, put them in the logos and went from there. My eyes burn
Man, I've been on some shitty dates, and had (and sent) some shitty emails in my life, but this is pretty much gold. A girl went on a date that was crap and didn't reply to any of the calls or texts that the guy made afterwards. He Googled her, found her email address and sent her the email below. Spoiler
What a psycho/future serial killer. Clearly a stalker misogynist, so hey she should totally go out with him again. Seriously though, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy has killed a few people.
Too late. Basically he's saying: You're mean! Unless you want to go out again, in which case, call me!
Apparently, Vitamin Water in Canada was having a contest where they printed one word in English and one word in French on each cap and well... this happened:
People often ask me how I get laid while making zero attempt to keep my geeking out hidden. Well there you go. I don't do this shit.
Holy Mackinaw. That de-thrones Ryan Milliron as the lamest thing I've ever read. I'm dying here. Honestly, I don't know how so many people shit the bed when it comes to dating. Personally I've never discovered any great degree of difficulty in dressing myself and speaking English.
I read the email in Emo Philips' voice. It makes it about 50 times creepier, but about 500 times funnier.
Yeah, but who does? This Mike person apparently, but are there really that many guys out there that do this kind of shit? Are there any single women on the board anymore that can speak to this? Part of me wishes I could date now. If this is standard post first date behavior, I could clean up.
Good point, he bought her dinner, the least she can do is get with him. Its hard to imagine someone can have such a little understanding on how first dates go. First dates are essentially interviews, he failed, and didn't get a call back. It happens. Apparently a girl looking at him and touching her hair is tantamount to saying "lets get a hotel room"
His hyperanalysis of her body language was very creepy. The dude just can't relax. It's not normal to be this way and that's why she didn't like him after the first date. His cognitive dissonance and lack of self awareness is just astounding. And she can look forward to at least one more email like that from him. And she can also rest easy knowing that he's probably rubbing one out thinking about her.
The moron obviously read a PUA book or something along those lines and was infuriated when he discovered women have free will. I think a vibrator covered in shards of glass would make a better dye than this guy.
I take pride in saying I never dated a psycho man. Lots of losers, a few crazy chicks, but nothing on this level where I had to watch how many times I touched my hair.
After that Jimmy Kimmel twerk video I don't know how anyone would not automatically assume everything on the internet is faked from here on out.