So long as your future daughters don't have multiple babies daddies I think you'll be fine. If however they have two bastard children before they're 21 you're a horrible father and an epic failure. (I think we all had someone we graduate with end up like that).
It still says if a man lays with another man he should be put to death. It also says kill your neighbour for working in his yard on a Sunday. Jesus himself never said anything hateful like that. I can't think of a greater role model (maybe Tesla) "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to reach Paradise." Jesus said that. Props, jigga. And I dig the Spanish name, very Catholic. Old Testament is the Jews. And the worst role model ever concocted: God. The whiney ethnic cleanser who tells us the reason we were created is to worship being created. Brimstoners like Old Testament garbage too but less often as time goes on. Most Western Christian go with New or my most hated book The King James aka "The Cliff Notes bible". It is hateful.
Fact. Sorority girls cockblock each other constantly. They go to parties in groups and don't leave the group with guys because they feel like their friends will judge them. The sure lay at a fraternity party are the GDI (non-affiliated) freshman girls.
Have you ever heard of Mama Bear? Mama Bear is the ultimate cockblock, she exists in every group of girls. Mama Bear is usually the least attractive, fattest girl. In her mind, if she's not getting action, then none of her friends are. I fucking hate Mama Bear.
Mama Bear usually manifests as "my big wants me to come home with her." However, the big/little dynamic can also work in your favor if the girl has an awesome big sister who you're friends with. My roommate's girlfriend used to funnel all the new, attractive sorority "babies" my direction each fall. If an older sorority girl approved you, you were "safe" and it was super easy to get laid.
I could find Jimmy Hoffa in my backyard, the Ark of the Covenant in my shed and lost scrolls from Alexandria in my own asshole before getting one college girl to admit they just plain enjoy fucking. It sucks that we live in a world where that counts as a "bad reputation" and requires them to lie to "save face".
But at the same time, I knew frat guys who took down multiple "sisters" and they all knew about it each other. Ive never known that to happen anywhere else, with a rare exception or two. My friend had sex with a girl, her "big" and one of their good friends in the sorority. Meanwhile, if I so much as made out with a girl, her friends were hands off, even months later. The greek dynamic is just strange sometimes. It does provide an ever changing and easily accessible pool of females for frat dudes tho.
Re: Re: Re: 9/13/13 WDT NSFW One of my friends from college I met Freshman year was like this. Her parents were really conservative, had her in their 40's and were really religious. We used to call her and her roommate "mom and dad" because they were so reserved, always staying in and studying, etc. She had a boyfriend freshman and sophomore year that didn't go to the school but broke up with him by junior year. Holy hell did she go crazy. This was brought home junior year when we lived across the street from the frat house. She hooked up with one of the guys and the guy had a girlfriend that we THOUGHT he had broken up with since it was graduation and we thought they were going their separate ways. So not the case as we were woken up the next morning by his girlfriend banging and kicking on his door, calling him a prick and threatening him that he better open the door (he had a downstairs, front bedroom that faced our house). We all piled on the porch (there were 7 of us that lived there), listening to the screaming and yelling and then silently watched as a couple of minutes later our hungover roommate walked out to do her walk of shame across the street. The guy's girlfriend and a friend of hers tried to start a fight with our roommate that night at a bar, and she told them he told her he didn't have a girlfriend but apparently it was still her fault (seriously, what's that about?). We razzed her a bit about it for a while as it was pretty funny. For us, anyway. This is also the same girl that had to go to a different brother several months later and ask if they had at least used a condom when they had sex because she didn't remember. And this guy was a dirty dirty boy. To the point where he got in a fight with another of his brothers at a party about his crabs. And they weren't his pets. She was also sitting on his lap at a bar while making out with another guy. I think she's rather embarrassed by it all now.
You'll be saying this about "Roar" in a few more weeks. I can't remember a song that got as much airplay as it does. I think it's her best song yet, but SHEESH. I don't think I've seen oversaturation like this since "Mambo #5".
Re: Re: Re: 9/13/13 WDT NSFW None of that was particularly salacious. After reading the parts above, I was expecting that you'd say she worked her way through the frat house room by room, twice.
Re: Re: Re: 9/13/13 WDT NSFW I was already getting kind of wordy. People get bitchy reading long posts.
Re: Re: Re: 9/13/13 WDT NSFW Give us more details! Juicy, dirty, smutty details. Then maybe I will tell you about the girl in my geology class who had anal sex with a guy from plenty of fish after getting dumped.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 9/13/13 WDT NSFW You know you're in that deadman's land when someone makes a Jon Lovizt reference and you both hate it for being old, but also completely understand it.
Re: Re: Re: 9/13/13 WDT NSFW My boss at work was on plenty of fish. He would have our 20-year-old coworker email his responses. He didn't even know half the stuff she told them. I don't have salacious details really. It was a while ago. She just never seemed to have a normal one night stand. They weren't the only two she slept with in the frat--plus non-frat guys--, but they were just the first two that I remembered because of what happened afterwards. What I think is really weird is the crab guy hooked up with two of my other roommates. I just saw disease when I looked at him. My friend pretty much became the complete opposite of her upbringing. Very open sexually. She was telling us about her first time with her now husband and how they finally decided the night they were going to have sex.* But he had already cum once. So they are going at it and she's like ok, wow this is going on really long to when is this going to end? He then finally looks at her and says, "Can we just stop?" So that's her memory of her first time with her husband. *This will probably get asked. He was a virgin so they didn't do it right away. She was willing, he was nervous. He's the guy that I've mentioned feels like Mr. Roper because she always wants to have sex and he's like Again? They are the weirdest yet funniest couple I know. And great friends.
Careful you old fucks, if you keep hearing the song, you might start liking it like the big evil record companies and radio stations want you to.
Job searching sucks. Full pay until mid-Feb with limited work to do, 2 days off a week for job searching, and then a payout of 5 months wages however, takes some of the sting away. Not all mind you, but enough that I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about it.
Wait so 3 day work weeks, then a 5 month vacation, and you're bitching? You white collar people have it rough.