If a girl left a bag of shit on my counter with her number, I would totally fucking call her back. She either has an awesome sense of humor or she is a freak. Either way, I'm in for a second go.
I'm going to have to second this for the very same reasons. My only worry would be escalation. She leaves a bag of shit, then we have period sex. Next thing you know she's making taxidermy from my pets she dug up long buried, and maybe injecting her blood into me while I sleep.
It's a crock. Someone showed me, I really want to say it was annabanana, so it's obviously been a while a Youtube video of exactly this.
So I caught the trailer for the Robocop remake. Picture shitting your pants, sitting in it for a week, and then shitting them again. That's how bad it is. Between this and Total Recall, they took the two Verhoeven cult action films and just pissed all over them. Borderline treasonous.
Yeah, looks rather MEH. Just like every remake in the past 5 years. I get that they want to make something that has brand recognition and all but cranking out lame subpar scripts time after time and getting flops or weak limping profits, you think they'd take SOME sort of risk in the film making process. Am I the only one that sees it as kind of sad when huge stars from the 80s-90s take bit parts in these movies and add fucking nothing to the movie or their career? Michael Keaton? Come on man put your name on something that you can be proud of. Seeing Sigourney Weaver back up what ever hot for the moment teenage actor's action debut makes me want to puke.
That was some exponential escalation, there Black Jesus. Whoa. I miss annabanana. Well, actually, I don't know her well enough to miss her. I do miss her boobie thread posts, though.
Remakes barely work. Sometimes they do. I really liked King Kong, Dawn of the Dead and The Evil Dead remakes. Practically everything else sucks. Like you said: risk. The original Robocop was a big risk because NOBODY had seen violence and gore in a mainstream film that way. It was campy, smart and utterly original. This remake looks like.... Nothing. And the title character looks like Judge Dredd, not pure Peter Weller awesomeness. And yes, Michael Keaton deserves better.
I would love to hear her side of the story because all you've been doing is waxing poetic about how she was selfish and narcissistic and blah blah blabbity blah while still sounding like the same fucking shitstain you were before, all with interspersed episodes of you finding yourself and what the fuck ever.
I don't understand why all these fat, on vacation with their fat friends, chain smoking Marlboros, sunburnt Midwestern women come into the bar and order Colorado Bulldogs, half and half, coke, vodka and Kahlua, we are not ice fishing there is no good reason to drink that when it is 105 degrees outside. Stop fucking ordering those fatties.
Take it from someone who has been ice fishing (in the industry) for 3 decades . . . Colorado Bulldogs have no place while out ice fishing. They're far too complicated to mix. Beer, moonshine, whiskey, apple pie, or schnapps are the way to go. If you insist on mixing, whiskey and coke is the only way to go.
Just saw this on the Yahoo homepage. I think we had a convo about women working out while pregnant and the response was "You're an asshole, you don't understand! We have to carry HUMANS inside of us! We can't do anything!" Um... <a class="postlink" href="http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/should-pregnant-women-be-weightlifting---200459884.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/s ... 59884.html</a> This chick does crossfit 3 times a week and is about to pop out her third child. The first two are perfectly healthy and she had no complications with either. Just sayin'
I think the general rule of thumb is that, within reason, if you were doing it before you were pregnant, you can keep doing it after. It would be dumb and potentially very, very dangerous to stress your body like that and lift very heavy for the first time in your life while pregnant.
For any woment wanting to train while pregnant, this is the proper way to do it. Good advice. <a class="postlink" href="http://70sbig.com/blog/2013/09/on-pumping-iron-and-making-babies/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://70sbig.com/blog/2013/09/on-pumpi ... ng-babies/</a>
I don't know shit about working out or pregnancy. However, there are three pregnant girls at my Crossfit gym who work out regularly. They scale down or modify the workouts, but those girls are beasts. One of the coaches has had three kids and she did Crossfit through all her pregnancies up until the last four weeks.
I've never heard of a Colorado Bulldog. So it's basically a white russian with coke in it? Hurrrrgh...
Really excellent link. Basically, use good sense. You can keep up with your routine but don't overdo it. Dudes (yes, you Parker) who point out individual women who do demanding things during and after pregnancy and do it without regard to the individual makes my hackles raise a bit. Being pregnant is physically demanding and sucks in a lot of ways, and while being pregnant isn't a free pass to become a sloth, assuming that one person needs to do at least as much as another who shares one common trait - baby in the belly - is unkind at the least, and potentially dangerous at the worst.
Dude, there's no other side to the story. Ballsack and the therapist he gives money to got together and realized that she was the problem.
So a mechanic here at work shot himself in the head last night and in return I just had to sit through a group therapy session, what a dick.