I saw this guy with his dog at a park today. "You wanna know why Germany started those wars? Check this out. These little dachshunds do whatever they can to get what they want. Little bastards!" Spoiler Buck was more interested in the Mississippi. Spoiler Nicollet Island in the background.
It's less that I care about his or really any random penises, it's more that this dude apparently never ever wears underwear.
So, Breaking Bad will be eligible next Emmy season, right? Because Cranston not winning is just wrong. Although, I guess he does have like three of them already. Also, why the fuck does Jim Parsons keep winning? Big Bang Theory is a very good show, but I honestly would have given it to anyone else in that category but him. Baldwin, Louis CK, Bateman, Cheadle, shit, even Matt LeBlanc.
I get that people love Big Bang Theory, but I just don't get why. Parsons seems really sweet, but...WHY? Louis CK deserved it for this alone: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPHEUb-Q-Aw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPHEUb-Q-Aw</a>
The funny thing is that I posted that clip on my FB page, and someone commented that 1) she liked TBBT and 2) Louie is funny but always ruins it by taking it too far. She gave as an example him pissing on the doll head. Given that that was the most hilarious part of the entire clip, I really couldn't respond to her comment.
Breaking Bad is incredible. I love the fact that in the last season the writers are going crazy Spoiler . Killing Jessie's g/f while he sits there in the van bound and gagged in revenge for trying to escape is the type of dark writing that drew me to the show. Still though, the darkest scene of the series was where Walt watched Jane die. Big Bang Theory is ok, but its a sitcom at the end of the day, and sitcoms are really formulaic.
Yeah, Jeff Daniels for The Newsroom? That show fucking sucks. I also think this last half of the last season of Breaking Bad is by far his best acting so far.
The shows biggest flaw is Skylar and Walts son. Both actors annoy me so much. Some fun trivia though, apparently Jessie was supposed to be killed off/written out in the first season, but Aaron Paul did such a good job the wrote him on for the rest of the series.
Anna Gunn just won the Best Actress in a Drama Emmy for playing Skylar, and I agree. She's been killing it.
I actually liked the first one where it looks like the girl had a third boob hidden under the other two.
It just gives me a sinking panicky feeling, like when you wake up because you're falling in a dream. Sweet Jesus. That's like what, 100 little tattoos? 100 times this guy was sitting there thinking, "oh yeah, this is a great idea."
It's an '09 Elantra. Yeah there are a lot of people who go slow, but usually it's the people in older shitty cars. Most people around here go the recommended 130, I like to go 150 or 160. People fucking fly on the back roads though. I get that the speed limit is 100 pretty much everywhere not inside a town, but most cars can't handle the turns at half that speed.
What makes that picture typically American is some asshole decided to take the time to snap a picture rather than go over and help.
And do what? Throw out your back? Possibly break your arms on the metal basket? No thanks. Plus, it's the soda isle. I bet she wouldn't have had that much trouble on the overly supplied water isle.