James Woods is the baby boomer version of Sam Rockwell: completely transforming, stealing every scene he's in. Woods, like Ed Harris, also has the ability to really get under the viewer's skin and intimidate them. I refuse to die until he wins an Oscar.
Well, fuck them then. The biggest fakes on earth taking themselves so goddamn seriously over "World Issues" like Leo grabbing an Oscar, guilt tripping everyone watching about the carbon footprint, and then hopping on his private jet to fly to France. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck you. They can't work with Woods, but they'll work with each other spending their days in a plush trailer making millions to play something they aren't while subjugating their assistants.
Is it rude that I haven’t bothered to tidy up my pubes since last week before getting a new IUD later today?
How bad we talkin'? I usually do some grooming before I get a physical. Im sure my male doctor doesnt care, but its just courteous, ya know?
She’s a mild mannered Asian lady so, according to porn, she probably rocks that Hitler moustache pube style. It’s not like her hands are at risk of getting tangled up or something but, I dunno * looks down * it’s a little more stubbly than I would want, say, a guy to see the first time we bang. But seeing as how whenever I groom myself to perfection that jinxes me out of a sure thing and when I shrug at shaving that basically guarantees I’ll unexpectedly hook up with someone, maybe this means we’ll have sex!
Ehhh... I dont know many guys that would get hung up about it either way. As long as its not woefully unkempt, most guys are just happy to be getting laid.
Oh yeah, I’m generally pro (nicely maintained) pubes and have never sensed anyone caring at all, but it’s just a little embrassaing in the “aw man, I would’ve preferred he’d seen me at my best” way, like if I’m wearing lameo underwear or my legs aren’t freshly shaven. I guess it’s pretty likely an obgyn doesn’t even register pubes anymore. They’re not like dentists who absolutely JUDGE you on your teeth. Fucking dentists.
You can use that for your opening line. Once she's got you in the stirrups and lifts the gown, just say, "What do you think about the curb appeal?" and see where that leads. My dad always had a nurse in the room during an exam - I never knew if that was a requirement or just good liability practice. If it's the same, it might turn into a three-way. So, double the opportunity for disappointment / indifference. Report back. ETA: I Googled "sexy female doctor scissoring female nurse" so I could include that in the joke and this image came back: Spoiler: SFW in every way