Kick a large bedpost in your sleep, that's all it takes. Toes break easily, and once they're broken they're like collarbones where sneezing on them cause hairline fractures.
I repped somebody about that earlier today. I don't see how he could manage to injure himself with such frequency and severity. If he was as careless as he led on I think he would be a cripple by now, or dead. Then again, I have no idea why someone would repeatedly make up stories about injuring themselves in the stupidest way possible.
I just got an email from him saying that he couldn't log into the site... anyone else experiencing any issues? (it'll be interesting if people say they are... if they can't log in)
Maybe he typed it with his face. A very painstaking process, akin to clicking S-O-S along with your current location with your teeth into a CB mic so rescuers know where to find the corpse.
Works fine for me. You sure he's not just super concussed and trying to log into here from the fake iPad his wife gives him so he doesn't electrocute himself?
Looks like it was on my end. Router was having issues. A lot of "let's try everything!" later, it somehow worked, and worked for here too. As far as how I manage to break fingers and still type, suffice to say I have an insane pain tolerance after my brain tumor. This morning I kicked a chair frame in the dark and broke two toes (bringing my total up to five actively broken bones). It sucked, but life goes on. Take a few Advil and deal. In the ER they have that pain scale thing. For me, a fractured bone is like a dislocation is like a one and a half, fractured or broken bone around a 2 or 3. I always have to translate it into "normal people" terms for them.
Can you pass for Asian if you squint your eyes? If so, I imagine the state department would like to talk with you about a secret mission that totally does not involve North Korea.
Unfortunately I'm too tall. 6' 1" But I would love the honor of doing a kamakazi mission on rocket man.
I don't know what RotN looks like, but imagining him hacking away at piece of cardboard is about the funniest thing I've read on here in awhile.
I'm doing that right now kinda. The same parang machete nett has (weird that him and I have a lot of the same tools and use them for insanely different purposes). Got a few crates to beat into submission. Yes, I could just burn them off in one piece, but I learned my lesson via pain that smaller pieces of wood are safer than one large bit.
In fairness, I posed the picture for maximum fun for y'all. However, I am glad I get a chance to show off my badass fire pit where some of my disasterous injuries have happened. Built it with rocks I got around the place.
We got someone going to a SP concert right? And there was a dare she was gonna take us up on about a TIB shirt or something? Anyone know the details on how that's progressing?? Also, how is your roommate with the Harley accident?
He's getting about well in an it only hurts when I laugh way. He's been surprisingly pleasant and friendly lately. I have no idea if it's the drugs they have him on or if he saw his life flash before his eyes before he hit the tree.
This is the why I keep a knife on me. Baby hog just snuck up into the yard while I was burning off what's left of the wood. Got the jump on him. Gonna be some good BBQ tomorrow. His momma is gonna come looking for him though. AR is a nice welcoming gift. On the bright side though, I killed a hog with my hands? Doesn't matter how little you are, fucking pest. Get off my lawn!!! I got a lot of ice he's on and good plans to eat him tomorrow. Though the actual killing part was worse than I expected.... I was just being defensive of the house. I imagine this will be emotional trauma I'll repress for later and it will manifest itself in a drunken rage against trump.
Check mate. My wife likes moving furniture when I'm not around apparently. So now I'm at four broken toes because I guess god hates me. Jokes on her though. I got some bottle rockets that might make it even. Maybe. Her car is now on cinder blocks.
You learn and adapt to live with your conditions. You can type with your feet. A friend of mine said he learned to jerk off with his feet after he broke both arms in an MX race. And I've seen people missing limbs swim, how they don't swim in circles is a mystery to me still! How!? I now threaten people, when appropriate, that I will break both their arms and they'll have to learn to jerk off with their feet.