The Aussie kids will remember this TV show. Recovery Top 25 I used to love watching this at 9am on a Saturday morning. The enforcer was awesome.
Thanks, Nett. I would like to point out that I generally shear off any beard hair below the Adam's Apple.
My brother has the most hilarious neck beard at the moment. He has had it for around six months and is stupidly proud of it. Full on Amish looking, he can not grow anything on the front of his face.
Dol-Rays Speaking of people to mock... I am at the Braves - Pirates game. Braves, Pirates. Baseball. And this dude that looks like the lead singer for Los Lobos just walked by wearing a Tampa Bay Devil Rays (throw back?) jersey and a Miami Dolphins hat. Man, is he lost.
That's refreshing cause mine works a solid 30 hours a week and "works from home on Fridays". She also gives us more difficult cases. She also informed me she was taking back my day off from work the day before my wedding. Two hours later she was going on and on about how the days leading up to your wedding are pretty chaotic and stressful. I was smiling and nodding the whole time while thinking, "Bitch, you just told me I need to work the day before mine. Wtf?" I'm ungrateful for that bullshit and I just started. Wait, am I in the right thread?
Good for Jeter, only other way that ends better is for him to go yard, already the haters are saying the pitcher let him have one. Or the catcher intentionally let the runner score. Some people just suck.
Holy fuckbLLS. cAN WE GO AHEAD AND CONSIDER THIS ENTRY shitty... So I've been learning lately about white middle class cis gendered privelede. someone please tell me how me unassuming life if not nearly as offensive as i have been led to believe on the other shit, am i being brainwashed?
It's friday night and I'm not nearly as drunk as you yet, but I'm working on it. It's the upper class cis gendered privelede who are REAL problem. Better?
What's the over/under that he passed out in the bathroom hugging the cool relief of the porcelain god?
I wish my Google Fu was strong enough that I could find a video to these lyrics, I'm way too lazy to search harder for it though. I give you this. Praying to the Porcelain God
I'm going to say 2.5. I don't know what makes you say that. Hey, did you guys know we have a "Drunken Papers" thread on the Sports Board? I wish I'd have known that was a sport when I was in college. I might've gotten a scholarship.
I won't even go into the exchange between scootah and myself trying to figure out if there was a North American sport that we were previously unaware of referenced in that thread.
I should start a blog called Period or Patriarchy, where I pull comments from Jezebel, r/feminism and XOJane and people vote on whether the complaint, infraction, or social injustice is caused by a patriarchal society or if it's just PMS. I also want to start an Indian inspired taco truck and call it Pancho and Lakshmi's Crazy Indian Tacos.