I actually went to an Indian taco truck at a street fair in London. They used mini naan in place of tortillas. HOLY HELL. Shit was amazing. I don't know if id trust the execution of such an idea in the US though.
I want to start a tumblr called Intentionally Misinterpreted Vanity Tags or something. We have a lot of those in VA and I've amused myself a number of times coming up with a comment I would say to the driver that indicates I have wildly misinterpreted their meaning. The thing is, I generally see them when I'm driving by myself and I really don't want to be the cause a 50 car pileup as I try to transcribe it onto my phone.
Just hold the steering wheel with your knees and take a picture of it with your cellphone to transcribe later, duh. http://vanitylicenseplates.tumblr.com/
That's what s/he said Well, the "closet" part is implied, just because I don't think anyone on this board has seen your penis.
Re: That's what s/he said I don't think transexuals can successfully reproduce in our species. And she's pregnant, so... Implication denied?
I spent 10 minutes staring at that Drunken Papers thread and still have no idea what iczorro was talking about.
Re: That's what s/he said They actually can tho: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Beatie Pretty sure that's what iczorro was talking about
Draaaaaama! From my workspace, I just overheard a conference call between one of the department heads and HR about how they're going to fire one of the new sales guys, and HR is all concerned that it's going to become a human rights issue because the sales guy has already made a big deal out of having diabetes and she's worried that he's going to make some sort of case of discrimination. AMAZING!
Somehow, my gf, one of my friends, and one of my coworkers just get to go home early. All of them for random fucking reasons. Employee Appreciation Day, "done with their work" and some other random fucking reason. I have to sit here and spin in my damn chair.
If it makes you feel better, most of my dept is gone and I bought the people who are still here beer and cookies.