What did arts and craft ever do to her? I read that and thought she was a teenager. I wonder if I know her. Pennsylvania is a small state. I must. Taylor Swift should never pull her hair back. It's not a good look for her. Edit: why didn't the attachment show? Edit again: now I've got that damn song in my head! Dammit Juice, you don't get me at all!
She is in her late 40s, and is a mom with kids. I doubt you run in the same circles. At least i hope not. Back in the day her family were NJ hillbillies. Living in an unfinished house, raising game animals for sale but never actually making any money, scraping by on whatever Pa brought home when he decided he would work. I've posted about them on here before. When we were kids, she actually taught me how to tie flies (trout fishing), and was the first girl i ever went to third base with. Pickings were slim during my formative years up in the hills. It was either her, the daughters of the Unitarian family up the street, or the daughter of an ex-heavyweight boxer. Since I didn't want my head caved in, and wasn't up for saying grace before diving in, the hillbilly won.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ ... story.html I've been accused of being an Obama apologist, but this is some bullshit. I don't know how well it would be received outside the beltway, but what the hell are the snipers doing on the roof? You jump a fence to the White House and you run a severe risk of being shot in the face. I thought this was understood. I even take umbrage with the "Secret Service official who spoke on the condition of anonymity." Da fuq is that?
The main thing she had going for her was that she was an above average songwriter who had some real emotion behind her work, even as she was clearly no longer "country". But this, this is just hot garbage. But its great, I no longer have any reason to defend her. It feels liberating. The number of people who fawned over this video for being "HILARIOUS' and "ADORABLY SELF AWARE" make want to throw T Swift albums like ninja stars at every teenager girl walking down the street. You don't have haters bitch, you have people that think you're an actual crazy person cause you're the combination of an immature, petty pre-teen and weird old spinster. #stinkface
I hate that new Taylor Swift song. Hate it. Most of her songs that became popular I've enjoyed. This one is awful and makes me stabby. When she performed that song at the VMAs, Miley Cyrus had a hilarious look on her face that expressed my sentiments exactly. My daughter thought she looked like the mother from the Starving Games, so I made this:
It was more the circles thing. happyfunball - teenager ogling, margarita swilling, swim team mom Hillbilly - Collage hating, non-working, smack your dirty-faced kids around outside the Wal-mart mom See? Two entirely different worlds.
I know he could have just banged every woman he wanted until his dying breath without the cheaters guilt.
Miley Cyrus would be the last person on earth I would pick to judge a live performance. She's an abomination on stage.
I have the good fortune of always getting this clearly far superior song stuck in my head instead whenever I hear the Taylor Swift song: Which I'm pretty sure she had stuck in her head too when she wrote the song.
It's cute that you think he won't be available in 2 years. Or that he would be interested in a 40 year old.
He's finally landed a woman of real substance. What he probably hasn't thought of is how much of an absolute nightmare it will be to divorce her. She's a high-powered attorney. I can only imagine the friends she has.