...something else I am sure he's got up into. I wouldn't be surprised if he's banged Amanda Marcotte, even women who wish all men were exterminated from existence cannot resist The Cloon.
That's right. Thanks for sticking up for me misanthropic. I'll remember it *nudgenudgewinkwink* Plus my kids' faces are clean when I smack them around. I'm not an animal. What I don't get with the Clooney thing is he was a confirmed bachelor, I think he even went on record as saying he'd never marry again, and he met and married this woman in such a short amount of time. Also, all you confirmed bachelors out there, tick-tock, you're next. If it can happen to him....
Iron my shirt, woman. Maybe his dick is broken, and he figures, "Meh, I'm not getting any younger. Might as well have somebody around to make me a sandwich."
Re: Iron my shirt, woman. I heard on the radio that he's planning to run for some kind of political office and so he needed a suitable wife since people tend to not vote for bachelors. Makes as much sense as any other theory.
Are you saying you wouldn't pay good money to watch Clooney cornhole your husband while you sit in a dark corner?
Straight - maybe. But, have you noticed how his face has started to sag a bit. He's going to have a visage like an orangutan pretty soon.
Re: Iron my shirt, woman. I'm pretty sure he already pays a whole staff of people to make sandwiches for him. And if he's not, he's a bloody fool.
Because in this scenario he is gay, and he doesn't want a woman to get much closer for fear he would lose his erection. If you wish you could just listen from the other side of a closed door I suppose.
Yea, here come the "Preppers". Also, watch Westboro Baptist Church to make an appearance at some point. If people want something to be afraid of, the Flu has killed many more people than ebola ever could.
Fuck Clooney. No baby-maker can resist the sensual power of The Rourke. ...that is the polar opposite reason why spandex was invented.