That and those are clearly meant to go under some sort of pants/shorts. The guy clearly has done too many drugs though. Kinda Charlie Sheen-ish behavior.
He looks like that because that's what happens when you hire a quack for a cosmetic surgeon. You end up like Quidaffi. Come to think it, virtually all cosmetic surgeons are quacks because it only worked for Ashlee Simpson and pretty much nobody else. Yet people still do it.
He looks like he's doing a cosplay for "Cunts From the Bravo Network." Seriously, he's about to throw a pumpkin latte at the ref at a kids soccer match and scream at the coach "why is my son on the bench?"
Shield all moose knuckles from sight. I dream of a day society can come together in peace and harmony to write concrete legislation banning men from wearing spandex in public. I don't CARE if its aerodynamic while riding on your faggy 12-speed. Stop. Doing. It.
What do you do when your daughter decides to share her strawberry milk, in an open cup, with her (almost) one year old brother, who promptly drops it right on the carpet? Vodka tonic. It's all you can do (after cleaning up the mess and sending the kids to bed.)
So do biker riders not normally wear underwear under their riding clothes? It would help at least blur the shapes instead of formfitting to every nook and cranny of their scrotum.
I see no issue with ball cupping bottoms. It's no different than the camel toe cupping(?) bottoms you fellas like on the ladies. Let's you know what you'd be working with is all. Am I wrong here?
There's a difference: female private parts are a lot more PRIVATE. They're not leaping out at you like some sort of sadistic, attention-whoring party favour. With the exception of Hope Solo's angry flesh lettuce.
Resolve carpet powder. That stuff is tits. When some hippy mom brought her 3 year old daughter to our house along with her cranberry juice sippy cup "because our precious angel Ryyann has a urinary tract infection" and said child poured her cranberry juice on our beige carpet, Resolve fixed it.
Thankfully it was in the living room where we only have a carpet remnant for now. I was able to get it up without too much of a problem, but if that would have happened on any of the carpet that's actually laid down I would have flipped shit. She's also supposed to keep her drink in the dining room. The fact that I'm discussing this in the weekend drunk thread depresses me, things have changed a lot in the last 3 or 4 years. No Rush, I will not visit the boobie thread for old times sake.
Ever seen a perfect grid mesh of carpet burn on your cock from excessive friction in the layer of clothing pressed against your shit? It's horrifying. You look at it and you're like 'Does herpes come in perfect grid pattern? Did I fuck some kind of replicator woman? Can robots even get herpes?' Ask a doctor those questions if you ever want to see the funniest facial expression in the world btw. Although I imagine it's much easier to find the humor in the situation when it turns out that no, it's not robot herpes.
I think we've had this discussion before. I think consensus was that yes, women like it when men go commando every now and then. Apparently they like looking at our junk as much as we like pretending not to look at theirs.
My eyes are up here Guys, guys. You are not going to believe this shocking revelation: if you are a lady with nice boobs and you wear a hot pink bra, people (mostly dudes) are going to look at your general cleavage area. I know, amazing scientific discovery, right? I kid. Good for them. And, the point is valid - I am checking out your boobs, make sure you check them out, too. #SaveTheTatas
Huh. Just found out my blood type is A positive. I never knew that. Even my blood gets an A+. Suck it, bitches.