How are you just finding this out? What bizarre country do you live in that doesn't require blood tests for marriage licenses? How do you make it to 40 years old without ever donating blood? Also, 33% Caucasians have A+ and 27% Asians do, so suck on that second place.
I didn't need a blood test for a marriage licence at all. I just... got a marriage licence. Do... do people usually need blood work done to get married? I've tried to donate three times and been rejected each time at the outset. Once for banging a random, once for a tattoo, and once for traveling to a "malaria country". I just never knew my blood type before. It's a shame, actually. I kind of hoped I was O.
Imagine if she had an A- negative blood type she'd be pissed. Hell she might ask for them to change her blood type just to get that +.
Re: My eyes are up here They showed a LOT of chicks checking them out as well. Because chicks check out other girls as much as guys do. And yeah, the hot pink bra thingy sure is going to draw attention. And I feel sorry for that poor kids hands. They're going to be fucking broken after all the high-fives he's going to be getting. Now neither of those chicks are super models, but to walk away saying you fucked 2 teachers at once? That's a winner.
Celebs to sue Google for profiting from iCloud Hack I have ask; isn't this like suing a business for profits they earned because they have loan accounts with the same bank that holds your money?
Ugh. I recently joined GameDev because I'd like to get back into that scene. I forgot how shitty the big internet forums are.
Fucking Oktoberfest. It was funny enough before they released the pillow pendulum of death, then roped them in. Why have I never heard of this Devil's Wheel before?
I'm just hoping and praying that this situation doesn't inspire Sandler to do a sequel to That's My Boy. I'm especially worried given his recent Netflix deal.
That looks like a carnival ride you'd see in old pre sound news reels, you know before safety and suing everyone for everything was a thing. One of my Facebook friends is living in Berlin and has been posting a bunch of stuff about Oktoberfest. Looks friggin awesome.
I got queasy watching that thing spin around. When I hit about 20 the super spinning rides started to do me in. When I taught swim lessons I used to have to teach flip turns. So you'd get a noodle and hold onto it and do a flip over it to help get them started. I'd get queasy from that. Hah, I just remembered. One time I was teaching this boy, maybe 8, how to do it. Well, he kept hesitating and I told him I would help him. So he grabs the noodle and starts his turn. And I just grabbed his body and basically shoved him under water and flipped him around. He comes up, snot and water running from his nose, and I'm all, "hheeeyyyy, you did it!" and help up my hand for a high five. He high fived me as he's leaning over the edge wiping his nose. But he had no issues after that. I was the best teacher ever.
They used to have it at the Western Fair back in the early '80's. it was larger and painted two-tone like a circus tent. There was no pendulum and the outside was lined with crash pads and you just tried to stay on as long as you could. This was before they gave a fuck about safety and you could do Die Hard stunts in the Gravitron:
For those of you who have gone to Oktoberfests, how were they in terms of a good time or party atmosphere? I'm sure some are better than others.
Kitchener is sixty miles from here and has a massive Oktoberfest. It's a German-founded city and has all kinds of festival events and behemoth beer tents, like the Concordia tent which holds thousands. It's a HUGE party.
Crown speaks the truth. Take the word of a girl who passed out in the front seat of a school bus wearing some random guy's lederhosen.
White lesbians accidentally get inseminated with African American sperm. After reading the article, I get that the sperm bank fucked up and they should be held accountable. Where I think they go wrong is in the racial claims that are causing them damage. I think it sets a dangerous precedent to allow for racism and hatred of mixed-race children to be a legal reason to claim damages. Especially coming from a couple of lesbians. If you can pick what you want as far as donors are concerned, do you have the right to be pissed if you get something else?
They kick it off with the Keg Tapping: ramming a tap into a giant oak cask that hoses the front row spectators with Germany's finest. If you like beer, its paradise.