And here I was wondering why Rob Bottin retired from movies so young. He moved into cosmetics instead.
I just made my first ever batch of hard cider. I hope it turns out well and that I don't get sick and die when I try it in a couple months. Happy Christmas?
This is sad trend, people are getting more and more panicked over how to care for dogs and also treat them more and more like child surrogates. I recently talked with a Jewish woman my mom works with, an RN who had kids who are now all adults and was in her early fifties, who is throwing a "Bark" Mitzvah for her Miniature Schnauzer, and insists her children call the dog, named Rapha or something like that, their brother. This is the height of weirdness. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love dogs and stuff, but they're dogs, good non-human friends, often your best friend. But they aren't human children, and treating them like such is creepy as shit to me. Dog marriages, people calling their dogs "furbabies", it leaves me in a sour mood.
I was thinking cold like bottled hard ciders but hot sounds amazing. I like to add rum to hot cider anyway.
Yeah, go big or go home! I mean, don't most hard ciders have 5-6% alcohol? Make sure you use Bacardi 151, too to increase the fun. I'm the same way, though. I usually add Everclear to my wine.
The best way to go if you go hot is perhaps splash in some rum, and be sure to use mulling spices. I wonder if the rum thing will work when I mull my mead...
I got really bored when we were trapped in the house for 2 days during the Great Ice Storm of 2014. I must have only had rum on hand (Bayou Rum is where it's at. Bicardi can suck a fat cock) because I did the hot cider with rum, buttered rum, rum....probably over ice...thing. Those days were kinda hazy.
Feels kinda sad I have no idea who she is. Google will soon rectify that. edit: Now I know, thanks Internet!
In the process of making batches of homemade doggy treats, and my dogs are just staring at me. I think they know what I'm doing.
Buddy's like that when I am trimming meat up. He knows it is about to be "treat" time and nothing in this world will make him leave the kitchen. I am cooking down some golden scuppernongs right now to jar for jelly. I really just want to stay home and cook all week. I have so many cooking projects that I want to do and I usually line up more things than I have time for and ingredients go bad in my fridge. Hopefully this week my work schedule is accurate. The past 3 weeks I've had one off day per week because people keep calling in. It just occurred to me that scuppernong pear jelly would be fucking amazing. Well, now I gotta go pick some more. And find time to make it. I'm doing this!
I try not to give the dogs too much meat because Boxer farts are THE WORST. They just counter surfed while I was gone - so they're in trouble now.
The next person who says "Sheeple" is going to get hit with a splitting maul. I can't decide if that or "Swag" is the most overused trend term ever.
But just calling people "sheep", is that cool? What's a scuppernong? Sounds delicious. Also, the dog "face of intense anticipation". I know it well. Chinook and Maximus are masters at the "intense anticipation" face.
Well, even though there is debate about the feeling good about the leaked pictures or not. Here is a link to a Russian site that has a ton of pictures, I don't even know if half of these have been reported. Also, this is like every celebrity leak ever. Yup Warning, the page loads slow as fuck, so I'd open every picture in a new tab.