I saw that - I lol'ed that she was wearing a nurse costume. It's official - I am gay for Victoria Justice.
Thats and old shot.That leaked when her shit was hacked like a year ago. She had a lot of very good text about very naught stuff. She's a bad bad girl. Hope Solo according to those shots has a hairy asshole.
I'm drinking Reyka on the off chance there is another internationally distributed Icelandic vodka. It's pretty clearly a wheat vodka. It puts me in mind of Grey Goose with a finish like Tito's. You can definitely taste that there's something special going on with the water they use. <EDIT> The bottle is fucking annoying, though. A long narrow neck makes it impossible to pour smoothly.
And a Sarlac pit for a vagina. As for Olivia Munn, check out some of the pictures where she photoshopped text onto them. Holy shit I would do immoral things to her.
Sounds like a good vodka. Trust Icelanders to make good vodka, I guess, ladies and gentlemen. Olivia Munn is one of my ideals in terms of attractiveness. But lad, it's spelled Sarlacc. *Cue shoutings of "NEEEERD!"*
Olivia Munn is sexy, funny, and entirely wasting her time on that fucking Newsroom show. I don't know if I've ever hated an ensemble of characters as much as that shitpile series.
I may be alone on this, but I think you are supposed to hate them, sort of like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
The cops raided an apartment over the music store across the street from my house yesterday because some busybody saw the weed plants growing in the window. I also found out the woman that runs the B&B down the block used to do porn.
And, it's not pronounced like it's spelled. Real Southerners say "SCUP-nun". It doesn't grow in big bunches, mostly wild, looks like a dark grape. Squeeze the skin, suck the pulp, spit the seeds. The skin is tougher than a grape, and not that tasty, and eating a lot of the pulp will work better than Ex-lax. Around my house, they're ready for picking around the middle of August to the middle of September. I have one of those extend-o-pole tree trimmer things that I can use to get the ones that are out of the deer's reach.
We have golden brown ones here. Never seen a purple one til I googled them. They have the texture of an eyeball. Scuppernong!
Out of the US - you're dead on. Inside the US, ehhh.... For the purposes of this, we're going to address PR as external to the US. I've done a fair amount of traveling within the US for work and its always somewhere you don't really want to be. More often that not, its really close to somewhere cool, but you're never going to go there between you getting off work at 6pm and having to go to bed at 10pm. Monday morning and Friday afternoon are both consumed with travel , so outside of the airport, you're going to have to work with what you've got within a 30 minute drive four days a week. Keep in mind, unless you have a sober driver, you're not getting fucked in half on these trips either and its no fun getting lit with your sober coworker while they pretend to be interested in D2 football. If you're lucky, you have some dodgy bar/lounge serving warm draft beer who might be able to give you a reference to a restaurant that won't give you roundworms. In this instance, I always order the burger. If the cook in the shanty lean to of a kitchen can't cook raw beef medium, I most likely don't want anything he's cranking out of that infected hole of a kitchen. This of course ignores the "fast casual" restaurants like Chili's and Fridays. These are generally fucking terrible, but I can walk in and out without the fear of being poisoned 90% of the time. Yeah, the food sucks, but at least I know what I'm in for and can adjust my expectations accordingly. Overseas? Yeah...go with the local special. This might be a personal thing with me, but when I'm in the UK, I don't really worry about crime per se. Unless you're coming up to me with a pistol out and jamming it in my face, I feel pretty confident walking just about anywhere to get a good meal. Mexico is another story - that shit gets real with a quickness.
I don't know what type of backwoods wetwork missions you've been on where that has been the situation. But we were on a damn bachelor party. We were looking at restaurants on Yelp that were getting 4 star reviews with like 100+ reviews (quite a bit from American tourists). Some of fucks were just close minded small town boys who really weren't about the "when in rome" life. And the thing that kills me is it wasn't like Puerto Rican food was wildly different from Mexican food or even American food. It wasn't like they were trotting out monkey's brain or octopus heart, it was chicken, pork, beef and steak with slightly different spices and some plantain.