My cats love eating bugs, so those things don't survive long enough for me to ever see one. I don't think I've noticed any in my house in 3 years.
To be fair, did you really think McC was going to be good in a tough, hard bitten role? I didn't, though I figured Harrelson would be good (he's usually good, just picks shitty films). Vaughn's definitely a better actor than people give him credit for, but he certainly takes the same type of roles over and over. I think he could be really good with the right part, and this could be it. He also is getting a bit older, so he may well be trying to transition from the boy/manchild into more serious roles, and this series would do wonders for him.
I've heard of it as a House Centipede, not Cave. They're definitely one of the creepiest insects because they look like they float across the floor but they're harmless. They have a Freak Factor of 10 when you don't expect them, which is all the time. They are the Spanish Inquisition of insects.
They certainly look terrifying but they ain't dangerous to you. Not like some of the bigger centipedes, who can eat mice. But take solace in the fact that they have predators, too. (Also taxonomically speaking they ain't insects, just arthropods. "Bug" works for everything from insects to arachnids to crustaceans.)
The Longest Yard I did not know this was the new trend, but I can't wait until somebody hacks into the green screen projection technology for NFL broadcasts. Instead of the arrow showing "2nd and 7" it'll have an erect spurting penis or something. 100 yard penis Nike + Penis
That joke has a poor setup - no one would really respond to the first question with a yes. Except...that this person did?
What in the world makes you guys think it's okay to post MORE insect stuff? With multiple legs? Reliving my horror. I was up on the stepladder, mop in hand, sweating, just knowing I was going to miss and then it would land on my bare leg, resulting in me having to cut said leg off. IT HAD SO MANY LEGS! Keeping my eyes open for its buddies (thanks Nett). They move so fast! So far I'm undefeated. Bugs - 0, Funball - not zero We are approaching the season where I find those big ass spiders in my laundry sink in the basement. They are fast suckers as well. Dammitall.
You'll be fine, 'funball. Just don't think about it. It's only bad if you feel a hair on the back of your neck and start thinking it's maybe a bug. And, after three or four days, that feeling goes away, once somebody plants that thought. And, while you're sleeping at night, a loose thread on the pillow totally will not feel like a centipede leg.
She meant to post that in the butt stuff thread. It's shorthand for "The Idiot Board Colon," which means reading these posts feels like anal sex.