Dayum... train went crashing into the Hoboken terminal this morning... A Reddit user said his brother was on the train, and it made no attempt at all to stop. He says hundreds injured, one reported dead. Here are some pics he was sent:
Apparently the station platform is right at the end of the track, not beside the track, so the train didn't slow down and plowed right into and through the station.
I'd just like to point out that K-cups are 25% off at Staples for National Coffee Day. So, the big 24 ct boxes are $10.50. And, you can get a free cup of coffee and a glazed doughnut at Krispy Kreme today. I think I just improved everyone's life by passing this on. This must be how Mother Teresa felt.
I spent Tuesday repainting the garage and exterior doors. Today, I shampooed all the carpets. Y'all can suck my domesticated titties.
I bought 10 pounds of green coffee beans to roast on my own yesterday. If you are coffee geek, this can be a fun hobby. I roast mine in an air popcorn popper. There is no way to get fresher coffee. It's only going to end up costing me around $7 a pound when it's all said and done. I used to love the keurig until a friend introduced me to the hipster coffee scene. Now I cant deal with anything less than an aero press to make a cup.
I'm OK with those that have legit allergies being exiled "for their own safety", of course... it's the self-diagnosed allergic types that need to be lined up against the wall and shot. "I have a gluten allergy..." "Have you been tested?" "No, but..." "Fuck off. You have an eating preference."
I feel like the only way you could be disappointed is if no one was the father and you didn't get to see baby momma's dance around the stage
If someone says they have a gluten allergy they should be shot period. Celiac disease is when someone gets really sick from eating gluten. A woman with whom I went to school had it and I was there when she did get some gluten. I would only wish that upon people who say they have a gluten allergy.