My FB feed isn't filled with people like this, because they are too smart to fall for that. You know how I know they are too smart to fall for that? Because my FB feed is filled with posts either proactively admonishing people not to fall for it "Check snopes, idiot!" or memes satirizing the warnings "lol, I'm pretending like I'm one of those idiots falling for something stupid, derpaderp!" *deep breath, ride it out, ride it out*
To be fair, I don't think a lot of guys think about "lines." It's more a cost/benefit type thing. You play the numbers game with everyone you can, and if you talk to enough women -- married or not -- eventually you're going to find some that are down to play ball. Simply make it more trouble for this guy than it is worth. Say something along the lines of "if you are not going to contact me about things specifically regarding the administration of yoga, please do not contact me. My husband and I do not feel that what you have been saying to me thus far is appropriate." Most guys will leave you alone after that. If he doesn't, bring it to the attention of your yoga instructor and he/she will likely have that person removed from your class. Most respectable businesses have policies in place regarding appropriate customer contact.
Jesus Christ why does everything have to be so PC? Just tell the dude to stop. He'll probably try to back pedal a bit but be firm and don't pussyfoot around it. Then again he may just be a sensitive hipster that is in touch with his feminine side.
Amazon is jumping on the Uber model. They're looking for drivers to deliver packages in 2-12 hour blocks. Need your own vehicle, be 21, and an Android phone for some reason. If I had an Android I'd be all over this.
Maybe the logistics of the same-day delivery model hadn't been fully thought out. Anyway, heres a picture of a retarded tiger named Kenny;
Amazon's software is based off Android. They're both teaming up to go against the Apple Overlords. That's pretty cool. Someone mentioned to me a podcast story to that talked about that AirBnB, Uber and the sharing economy was a sign of bad economic times. I haven't looked at any data, but I think it's great for people to be finding ways to make legit money. If the demand is there, then that's how the market should flow.
That's a LYGER, you Philistine butthole. I think it's healthy competition when companies don't want to hire. No different than being a landlord or a private contractor. Someone just capitalized on a way to be a service hub/middle man. Mentioned a story from last week where companies in the S&P500 have close to $2 trillion in cash they're hoarding instead of improving their own infrastructure or hiring (wahhh, taxes). So, if they don't want to play, fuck 'um. Carl Icahn just went off on this BS earlier; among other things. I really love the direction Amazon is taking.
Actually, that is a severely Inbreeding Diseased white tiger. Fun fact: to get the white coat, it's easier to get in consistently with incest pairings, at the cost of the animals born being really unhealthy. Here's a liger mom with her li-liger cubs [she's the result of a male lion on a female tiger, she was then paired with a male lion and here's the cubs]:
My friend posted this and I started dying laughing. The best part is when you tell the stupid people that it doesn't work, they say something even dumber like "Better safe than sorry." No you fucking idiot. You can't put on a tinfoil hat and say "Better safe than sorry" to the perceived radio signals of mind control.
They're too busy re-running Deadliest Catch and making Shark Week yet another clusterfuck about Megalodon to give you the up-and-up. Other thing is people frown on making hybrids, which among big cats don't exist in nature, but only in captivity. Like Jazzy and Tsunami here, two 'accidental' jaglions. [Dad was a jaguar, mom was a lioness]
With all the depressing exctinction of cool species, I am all for this. Big cats rule, bring on the super big cats. Lets get some Snow Leopard/Cougar hybrids up in this piece.
There was once puma/leopard hybrids made in Germany, but they all had dwarfism and weren't very impressive. I think snow leopards are too rare for people to want to breed with other big cats, anyway. However, here's an ocelot/puma hybrid: As for a pumapard:
There's also a taxidermy pumapard, but it looks so fucking derpy: It looks like he just piddled on the rug and got cussed out for it.