They expect me to get more wood for the fire. Hah Ok i did it. Pyro!! Maniac!! "You gonn' cry you go'n inside"
I guess I mean you should cook for me while I sit there and drink beer. I will compliment your cooking though which will make you feel good so its a fair tradeoff.
I feel like we need to have the 1st annual TiB meet & greet at some point. I'll volunteer to smoke many delicious animals if @Nettdata teaches me how to build furniture. And we can all get ridiculously drunk and watch the Tibettes jump on a trampoline.
I sooooo can't wait for the new Top Gear, called The Grand Tour, to start up. They even have Ben Collins, one of the Top Gear drivers that was The Stig, on the show.
Speaking of which, I have the new table assembled and in the dining room... I'm pretty happy with how it turned out considering I spent a grand total of 6 hours on it.
Or he was as sick of the BBC bullshit as others were... and knew where the real talent was. Just like a ton of the old BBC production staff followed the three amigos, I can understand why he would as well... I mean, would you rather deal with those three, or the lame ducks on the current Top Gear?
Isn't the current Top Gear dead? I heard Leblanc walked off because the Ginger was such an ass to the production crew.
They canned the ginger (Chris Evans) and now LeBlanc is the primary host. He didn't suck, but it still lacks the electric chemistry of the initial three.
Nope, not in Canada you can't. Best you can do here is CraveTV, a Netflix competitor. They have some of the HBO catalog. The problem is Bell bought the rights to HBO Canada and therefore HBO can't sell their own app here.
It's scary when I think what the world will look like for my son. He's about two and a half. When I grew up we had to turn knobs on the tv, use a rotary dial on phones, and learned to rig up a tv antenna out of just about anything if the weather was acting up. My son already knows how to change the channel from my wife's shitty reality shows to football when I come in the room (I swear I didn't teach him that, though I do encourage it). We have a roomba, a fucking robot vacuum, that he knows how to turn on and get un-stuck. Easier than sweeping. When he's my age? Hell even in the next 10 years? I wonder if we're all gonna be wearing virtual reality glasses and never communicating with each other. "Cable cutting? You mean y'all would actually just sit there and watch tv? That's it?"