Technically the first 3 seasons of Old New Top Gear didn't have the best chemistry. With Evans out I can see the show evolving into something new that could be good.
Agreed. If they stop trying to force the new Top Gear into the old format and chemistry that only Clarkson, Hammond, and May could pull of, I think Le Blanc and Co. have a good shot at making something that is enjoyable, at least to a car guy/girl. Those original three, though, had my Mom... MY MOM... watching all of their specials and laughing. Even now she's asking about when they're going to be back on the air.
My buddy is providing accurate up to date information on his wife's delivery. I am now aware how wide her vagina is now. Awesome.
You haven't been doing it right if you weren't already aware of this. "The size of my cock" is the correct answer to how wide it should be.
So much this. Cox just started some bullshit here and took away a bunch of channels....including History (One of the few channels I watch), and jacked up the rates. In return for the lost channels they added a bunch of Spanish language stations and music channels.
I love DJing weddings with open bar. It's a much better time when everyone is drinking with reckless abandon. Another big country music wedding again. Most of these people are from the east end of my city, they're about as "country" as a Nike swoosh.
I think fake country is much more enteraining than real country. Real country means fat red necks and girls who dip. Fake country means suburbuan/yuppie women in straw hats pretending their trash from the country. Real country smells like the barn, fake country smells like whatever products those women use. Fake country is annoying but its much more attractive.
Then they need to call it what it is: Pop Music With A Fiddle. All they do is throw in "truck" and "sugar-shaker" a couple times and Ol' Jed's a millionaire. Recently I checked some of Chris Stapleton's music and yeah...THAT guy reminds me of the real deal, and he can sing like a motherfucker. Hank III is another. You want a hell of a live show go check out that psychopath.
I'm still confused how Taylor Swift was ever country or Florida Georgia Line. Put it on an clear channel country station and none of that is actual redneck music. You're right, its pop music with a fiddle but its the same stuff that people eat up just with a slightly different accent.
That's the other thing-- I have a VERY hard time telling the newer singers apart, they all sound the damn same. The women all sing break-up poetry while dudes cop deep, manly voices and sing about rack-and-pinion steering or getting drunk in 100 degree heat.
I have nothing against people who like poppy country. I like it from time to time and I take it for what it is, entrainment, something that connects with whatever mood I'm in etc, I don't over think it or over analyze it. What I have an issue is people pretending they live the lifestyle that that music puts on posters. I have no imagination that I'm some dude in Kentucky with a shitty truck and 4 kids I can't afford. I'm a nice clean cut white guy in Minneapolis. But I can still enjoy the music, I just have no illusions that I connect with it the way other people do. I think in that way its similar to hip hop. Nothing wrong with enjoying it, just don't think that because you listen to it you can associate with what its talking about or take on the persona its putting out.
One of my neighbors had a party last night and was way to fucking loud for this old fuck. So I'm going to stink bomb their place for everyday for the next week. I just placed an order on Amazon and this should be fun.
I think that the the Florida Georgia Line song "Cruise" is interesting because of the part where Nelly does a slightly different version of the chorus that shows how easy it is to take a pop country song, change a few words and end up with something that could play on the hip hop radio stations.
Holy fucking shit. That is precisely my problem with modern country. In other news, I'm actually thinking of having 'VI' tattoed to my arm. Yeah, I know.
Spaghetti just doesn't feel right with bowtie noodles instead of the typical spaghetti noodles. In other news, thresher shark is tough on the line and delicious as sashimi. I might grill some of that beautiful shark up, but raw he tastes just fine.