While its supposed to be rainy and overcast according to my grandparents in Naples, it would be mildly amusing if the gulf side was sunny and pleasant while all hell breaks loose 2 hours east. But seriously, thoughts and prayers to those on the east side. Looks gnarly.
I remember when Andrew hit Florida and it sent homes and businesses into low-earth orbit, just a scorched-earth path of destruction through that state. It's just mind-blowing that such a thing can simply smash an entire land mass all at once like that. You can't predict them, fight them or stop them. Just board up and get out of Dodge or dig in and hang on like the dude in the Maxell ad.
Gov. Scott: "If you go to the beach, you will die." This could be a nice opportunity for Florida to thin the herd.
Here are some good webcams if you want to see the action live Down the street from Trump: http://www.earthcam.com/usa/florida/manalapan/palmbeach/?cam=manalapan_palmbeach Port Canaveral: http://www.portcanaveralwebcam.com/ Beach Cams, various east coast FL locations: http://video-monitoring.com/beachcams/webcams.htm Here is Orlando: http://www.mynews13.com/content/news/cfnews13/weather/sky-13-cameras.html
I was 9 when Andrew hit. My friends in Miami lost their roof. But not just the tiles. Like, the whole wooden frame work and tore the ceiling off. Left just the walls. Did about $20 billion damage to Miami. We were about an hour north and just had some flooding and downed trees. It was also the first named storm of the year. Back in the good old days you'd have a hurricane about hit imminently with another forming in the Atlantic while some more shit is forming off the coast of Africa. With people in a constant panic running to fill their tanks and stock up on peanut butter and jelly. Fighting in the parking lot over parking spots and getting in fist fights in Home Depot over ply wood to board the windows. If this storm loops around and hits Florida again, it's just a cruel joke. What's even more cruel is if it loops around and goes under Florida and into the gulf and takes a shit on New Orleans.
Matthew just took a solid turn left. It's a negative on any chance of a "glancing blow" or it staying off shore now; this fucker is gonna hit it at about a 45 degree angle. With the warm water it wouldn't surprise me at all to see it boomerang around and come back for seconds. The people at TWC must be creaming themselves right now.
Where are you seeing this? Radar doesn't seem to show it here: http://flhurricane.com/flradar.php Models I see continue to show a glancing blow or staying just off shore. That doesn't mean it can't turn but I am not seeing a left hand turn with 45-degree entry angle anywhere, can you share a link to that?
I'm watching the weather channel, they keep showing it making landfall then bouncing off a little and going up the coast. The left hand was what set it up for the 45 degree angle in.
Possibly Flash player content, try setting the Flash plug-in to “Ask to Activate”, which prevents Flash content from running until you click on it. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/set-adobe-flash-click-play-firefox
Normally, when somebody here posts just a link, and I don't know what it is, I don't click on it. But, for some reason, I figured Nett's was safe. Holy shit, that website is awesome. I had no idea such a thing existed. Thanks. This is cool:
I might hazard a guess and say that I was a bit buzzed and on my phone, and I possibly fucked up the text that originally went with the link.
You know, guys, sometimes you just need to admit that you don't ever want to be married / monogamous. That's fine, if that's what you want, but stop pretending otherwise. This is Kennedy Summers: She was PlayBoy's Playmate of the year. She likes Will Farrell movies. She has a bachelor's degree in Anthropology and a master's degree in Health Administration. She dropped out of med school to model. Now, she may be a total bitch or have issues or simply not be a match for you, which is fine. If you discover that, and you're already engaged to her, well, you just need to break up. But, cheating on her? I mean, that's just stupid. Good luck, Jeff whatever-your-name is.
If you ate your favorite meal every day do you think you'd ever become bored with it? If a guy can get her, I'm guessing he has other options as well.
Oh, absolutely. But, I don't promise the bacon-ranch-chicken-roma tomato thin crust pizza that I won't ever eat a cheeseburger, either. I mean, the pizza knows what's up.
The best way I've ever heard this said is "You show me the hottest woman in the world and I'll show you the guy who is tired of fucking her". Happily married or not everyone has seen someone or met them and thought, damn this person is the bomb. Whether they act on that or not is another story but it takes more than a good body and a pretty face to make a relationship last. That said, and she's way out of my league, I'd sure give it a run for a bit. Ya' know, see what happens.
Pretty much every woman I've been with in the last five years, wife included, has been out of my league. It's taken a long time but I'm finally internalizing that leagues aren't really much of a thing.