"He'll only miss two games…" they said. "He's still a viable starting option…" they said. Fuck my fantasy team.
I'm sure its most likely a frame rate thing, but it looks like he hits her so hard and fast, that she had no way of possibly reacting to it. And then her head slams into the wall and onto the railing. Insane.
I just found out I have to shadow the on-call schedule for 7 straight weeks for work. That's 49 days of no drinking or going out and getting woken up at 3:00am because some fuck-up in Bangalore didn't log out and crashed the nightly jobs. I'm going to end up with an ulcer.
Don't say the Magic Words, friend. There are people who have no idea of the obnoxiousness that can be unleashed:
He is a fucking sociopath. Look how calm he is for the entire video. Fuck him. I don't know what in his upbringing or career made him the way he is, but he deserves to get fucked so hard for this.
The ickiest part for me was the way he dragged her, couldn't even be bothered to get her all the way out the elevator, leaves her lying face down, and then at one point pushes at her leg with his foot.
EXACTLY. I was watching and thinking "what the hell did I just see?" And then he drags her out like she's a deer he hit with his car and she's in the way.
I'm not trying to condone what he did, at all, but that is the look of a guy who puts up with verbal shit all the time from his spouse and has learned to just ignore it, who finally had enough of her shit, and when she came at him physically, just like the NFL taught him, he reacted reflexively. It's interesting to see how they train football players FOR YEARS to be explosively and reflexively violent, and yet expect them to be able to just turn it off when not on the field. I somehow doubt he's the only one in the league who has, and does shit like this... he's just the only one who got caught on film. I also think his reaction (or lack of) at the end was a result of this happening enough that he was used to it.
It is nice to see all the 3 letter networks and espn condescendingly referring to TMZ for uncovering the tape. Like it or not TMZ does not get shit wrong very often they are bulldogs, get the scoop and do the proper vetting like reporters used to do.
Ergo, the NFL is a league full of violent sociopaths. I have to disagree, however. They train football players to react, to coordinate, to perform reflexively. The violence is inherent within the person.