I wanted to comment in the other thread, but it would have been off topic. I just wanted to say: I'm with you, dude. Drinking at home is much better. Cheaper. Don't have to have a designated driver. Um...you don't have to wear a bra. Speaking of which, Nett, maybe tomorrow night. I've been a bit scurred since I got my new phone and it has the google cloud thing. Trying to delete pictures is like...well...trying to delete a song from an iPhone YES I AM WELL AWARE OF MY HYPOCRISY GODDAMN IT.
There really is nothing better then getting kitchen table drunk with a bunch of friends. Doing it solo however is difficult to justify.
Life is too short to justify every little thing you do. When I die of liver failure at 39, I don't want to look back and regret all those nights I decided to "play it safe" by not having a rum drinking competition with myself.
That's why you get a dog. It isn't drinking alone if something that loves you is watching you do it. I'm like 80% sure of this.
She said you don't have to wear a bra. You go right ahead and wear one though, dawg. Also, my phone kept changing dawg - my options were dang and dong.
... If its we'rent... and I'm pretty sure this is right... a "codlty dormant" type of situationalship...... I'm aBOUTot 97% postive that yyour so right, were now related. Like an aunt or whatever. Same thing. I like you, snowman kitty. (I GOTA NEW KEYBOARD AND ITS HARD TO TYPE RIGHT IM FRIGGIN DRUNT AND NOT SOBER SHUT UPI) Hey.
I went out to Texas for a wedding and an interview. Failed the interview. Now sitting in Jersey drunk. Amuse me idiots.
My friend is having a housewarming tomorrow. I know the traditional gift is a bottle of wine, but fuck that, I got a bottle of bourbon. Since that's obviously for him and not his wife, does that mean I should get her something? Maybe a toaster? I'm not fucking around, this is a sincere question.
I know I'm a safety nazi, but at 3:31 - when he blows up the truck, is that a very fucking large piece of high speed shrapnel that misses him by like a foot?
Pretty sure that was the whole truck door. Turn the volume all the way up and listen to the camera man.
Yes. That was the whole point of me posting the video. I love how it takes him a second to realize what just happened... then he tries to collect himself and continue the dialogue. (The whole russian thing is an act; if I remember correctly he's from Georgia and though he does have some European roots, the accent and the over-dramatization is just him acting.)
He is way too close for the amount of binary explosive that they used. I use 1# jars of the stuff and stay at least 100 yards from it. Damn lucky that door didn't take him out.
Me and a friend of mine used to drink together on Skype after she moved away. Whatever you can do to make it more fun.
Good point. I actually Googled this. It seems like every website suggested things that were definitely for her. I never saw anything suggested that was particularly masculine.
When we bought our first house we were given two matching bottles of brandy with instructions to open the first bottle that night to toast the friends who were there to celebrate our first home. The second bottle was put away and will be opened on the day when we move into our next home, also to toast with family and friends. It was a very sweet gesture. And not particularly gender specific.