Spent the day jointing and planing a whack of wood that I'll be gluing up tomorrow... two thick table tops and a weirdly shaped door for a bathroom. Oh, the joys of the top floor geometry of an A-Frame cabin. The landlord has a set of saloon doors on it, and with my parents coming to visit in a week, I figure my mom would like to take a dump with just a little bit of privacy. Ordered up some barn door hanging hardware today from the local tractor supply store, and will have a rather nice solution in place before they get here. I don't have a shop so I'm using my deck, and I'm sure the neighbours are just loving all the noise. On the plus side, not much is better than the smell of freshly milled wood; cedar, oak, walnut, and cherry. Also had a mountain lion break into my garbage and compost last night. Wasn't sure what could jump over the 7 foot fence to get in the yard and knock over the garbage can and rip into the compost bin, but then I found the pile of monster cat shit that confirmed things. I'm totally used to bears, but that dump was not even remotely close to bear shit. Mountain lions are a new one for me, and I have to say, I'm more worried about them than I would be bears. I set up my trail cam and put out a roasted chicken carcass as bait, so we'll see what happens. On that note, my day is done, and I'm happily buzzed after a couple glasses of wine. I'm sure a third will work out just fine.
I've seen girls that look good in yoga pants and bike pants. There doesn't seem that much difference to me because a girl that can pull off yoga pants can rock the bike shorts. I prefer yoga pants, but I have yet to see a girl that looks great in yoga pants look like Jabba in bike shorts.
I think it is just a different standard of women who wear each type of pants. Your bike enthusiast that wear the bike shorts are the urban bull dykes with the nappy hair and frumpy ass. Your yoga pants wearers tend to be either the younger fit types or home maker milfs that occupy the gym at 10:30 on a weekday.
Aw hell. I hope my mom's plants aren't dead. They've been out of town for a week and are coming back tonight. I watered them Tuesday and meant to go Thursday or Friday but got busy. If I run over there this morning before work and do it real fast, she totally won't notice, right?
Depends if they're drooping before you water them. It takes them a few hours to drink up the water and spring their leaves out again. If you don't want to get pinched, the sooner the better.
If you're really worried that your mom will be pissed because you killed her plants, go out and buy some new ones, I highly doubt she'll notice.
I think you'll be good. They recover quickly. And as long as the soil is wet you can play the whole "I dunno, I did what I was supposed to" while giving a shoulder shrug. Spoiler I'm sure I think that's funnier than other people. Some people just don't appreciate good humor.
Nah. They'll just put on leggings and north face vests and beanies and uggs and take pictures of leaves.
I'm not sure if I'll get this joke across properly, but there was this comedian who was talking about vests and said he doesn't get them. It's like a person says, "I'm really cold...but just right here" (as he gestures to the center of his chest). I always think of that now whenever I see vests and laugh. And you mean like this?
I love my NF vest. I hate how when I wear a jacket I'm constricted across my arms and shoulders. I need movement. A vest with a base layer lets me have that. HA. Dogshit.
Ain't nothin wrong with a good Northface. Standard wear in the northeast for both genders in the Spring and Fall.
Yeah, it's almost creepy how it becomes a de facto uniform on northeast colleges whenever it gets a little chilly.
And it's just the jet black ones too. It's not even people walking around in varying colors. We used to call the legions of girls with black NF jackets and Ugg boots the Co-ed Gestapo.
I have a northface beanie that I love. And their jackets and vests always looks nice. But for my money, when I lived in MIchigan, I used to wear Patagonia. My puff rider is still in circulation if I go to a cold place and I felt like I got more for my money over paying the super high northface prices.
I read an article several years back about a college aged kid that started a company called South Butt and he kind of reversed the logo as well. It started picking up steam and North Face caught wind of it and filed a lawsuit. Not sure where it ended up. I think North Face won though. You sound scared Juice.
Booked and paid our Disney trip. Daughter has no clue, she finds out the day of. And she'd better fucking enjoy it because this shit is not cheap. I like it as much as most people (we'll be at EPCOT during the Food & Wine Festival yessss) but it do take-a-bite out of your wallet. I only have one rule: "We're only going on Its A Small World ONCE I don't care how much she likes it, that song is an angry rat in my brain and she is NOT singing it all day!!"
Are you staying onsite? We're going in November, my 9 year old has been 5 times and my 5 year old 3 times. We're a wee bit fanatical about Disney.
On site. Easier to get around and the dining plan makes things easy. We just go during the dead week (after Halloween) and make sure it's not the season for Brazilian tour groups who ruin everything for everyone. I love the place. It also has the awesome Pirate's Cove mini-golf down the highway which we tradionally make the trip to. I also love the cheap, readily available beer Florida provides and it's Oz for people-watching.