And their kids are just plain PUSSIES. If I were four years old, I would LOVE an opportunity to rein-act Passion Of The Christ with my dad.
So over the past three consecutive nights my nightmares have returned. Kinda makes going to sleep the most stressful part of the day. To give you guys some insight, over these days I've dreamt I was attacked by a jihadi (why? no idea, my mind is weird), wolves, and the first fun night in this series a mountain lion. Wish I was making this up. Apparently when I go to sleep my mind likes to imagine I'm going to die. Great. Anyone have any tips on how to stop this? I hate knowing/thinking when I close my eyes I'm going to have some crazy fucked up experience. Really wish I could just pass out and wake up, really wish I could just go to sleep and not be terrified at some point.
Well, you have to go to sleep and challenge Freddy in your dreams. Then you have to pull him from your dreams into the waking world in order to kill him. Make sure you have a friend watching over you, who won't himself pass out, so he can wake you up at the right time. Duh. I find it hilarious everything in your dreams is trying to kill you. There is so much Freudian shit roiling around in your brain goo. When you were a kid did your dad wake you up by firing a gun in your bedroom every morning? Did your brother beat you with an aluminium bat as soon as you dozed off, set off fire crackers in your pajamas? "HEY TOD WANNA SEE MY NEW CHAINSAW AND HOCKEY MASK."
Yea, its not super Freudian. Don't think my Ego and ID are at odds and thats why I'm experiencing these fucked up dreams though. Freddy being real however, seems much more likely.
I of course could agree, but there's a better option for this situation: cheese. Seriously, try eating cheese before you sleep. They've done sleep studies that reveal eating various cheeses before you hit the sack lets you sleep better and gives nicer dreams.
Any cheese in particular that has a slighter advantage over, say, American Singles? Does quantity matter? Does a specific cheese channel pleasant, erotic dreams? This is a great excuse to eat half a pound of Stilton before bed. I still say there is an imbalance of his humours. He should leech himself immediately. Or perhaps a malefactor has cursed him. Tod, have you pissed off any neighbors recently... who might also be witches?
You may be on to something... So you might have sexy dreams, but it'll be about getting your dick broken off by that Japanese MMA fighter or something like that.
If you eat anything that is heavy and requires work to digest, it'll help you sleep... for the same reason you feel like taking a nap after a heavy meal. Tryptophan is a sleep-inducing amino acid, and is found not just in turkey (as everyone probably knows), it's also found in protein foods like milk and cheese. That's why a bit of warm milk before bed helps to induce sleep, but only a bit. From what I understand, you want to have a mix of protein and carbs, like a bowl of cereal, before bed, and it'll help.
Juice, I litterally just saw Bill Cosby. He was walking out of a downtown restaurant as I was headed back to work from lunch. Be jealous.
Sitting outside the high school waiting to pick my daughter up. Kids are coming out. Seems like plaid shirts and khakis are this season's top colors. Yes I know plaid isn't a color. Work with me. So much plaid.
Wait, seriously? Well, I had heard the warm milk thing before. But, honestly, when Black Jesus went on the cheese rant, I thought we were just making stuff up to see if todd would eat it. Pasta was the first thing that came to my mind. Awesome.
There are times. I have recurring nightmares of murdering people and spending the whole dream running from the cops/investigators. Waking dreams too, Ill sit up thinking, damn I hope I didn't actually murder anyone and the police are on the way. So pasta and cheese can make them stop? Doesn't sound good for the old metabolism and gut but if it makes the investigators stop....
Clever way of you deflecting all your thoughts of what those boys' plaid shirts will look like on the floor next to your bed, Mrs. Robinson.
That sounds more like a Matrix problem. Just go back to sleep and stop trying to take down Society and the Agents will leave you alone. My problem is Freddy Kruger, son of a bitch wont stop picking on me. I may try smoking weed though. Believe it or not, dreaming someone or something is trying to kill you and not knowing its a dream is quite frightening. Whenever I have a concussion I just pass out and not dreram. Maybe I should have someone hit me in the head with a 2x4 every night.
This is kind of a myth. Both that turkey has a lot of tryptophan, as well as that tryptophan induces sleepiness. ... tryptophan Yes, I do enjoy being a buzzkill, why do you ask? EDIT: And just how in the fuck did Crown recommend cheese as a medicinal agent, and not marijuana? Because marijuana is useful in PTSD with nightmares. Or at least, the synthetic stuff is.