I used to lucid dream at least a couple times a week, now it's maybe once a month. It can be really cool when you're having a really intense, vivid dream (for whatever reason that happens), but usually it's not that exciting. (Meaning as soon as I realize I'm dreaming, I start fucking the first woman I find but I'm very aware that I'm actually just humping my bed in my sleep. Kind of ruins the moment.) If you ever do find yourself in a lucid dream, look at your hands or try to find a mirror in your dream so you can look at your face. It'a pretty awesome. If you can't lucid dream just buy some shrooms and do the same thing in real life.
Super vivid dreams always and I remember them. In colour and sound. At wake up time I have 4 alarms set over an hour period, to go off intermittently, including snooze, so I'm sleeping for minutes at a time. I'll still go back into those dreams and sort shit out. Many are kidnap/capture scenes. They used to kneecap me, but lately I'm finding my way out. That confirms that I'm not scared and helpless anymore. I'm stronger and I'll win. Yay for better mental health! Edit for zombies: If you watch 4 seasons of Walking Dead in a month, prepare for zombie dreams. That shit is fucked up.
Same here. I might have partial memory of maybe one dream a year, anything else is erased instantaneously when I wake up. I know I HAD a dream, but its been wiped from me Eternal Sunshine-style. It's frustrating.
Do you have a routine you follow before going to bed? I've never had problems with nightmares, but plenty of insomnia issues. Give yourself an hour to wind down before bed. No TV, computer or other stimulation of that sort. Take a bath or shower. I like to read a novel but perhaps in your case you should avoid that as well. Using weed to medicate will, at best, provide you temporary relief and at worst you'll develop a habit where you won't be able to fall asleep without it. Not saying any of my suggestions will work but I would try them (if you haven't already) before weed. EDIT: I just read the rest of your post regarding the other shit you've got going on. Yeah, get the weed.
Have any of you ever had a dream that stretches over multiple nights, picking up where you left off the night before?
Interesting. I occasionally lucid dream, and in pretty much every case as soon as I realize I'm lucid dreaming I give myself superpowers and then go fuck my enemies up. I usually wake up very soon afterward, because it fucks up the narrative I have going on in my head and my brain just kind of throws up its hands and gives up.
80% of my dreams these days involve my beating the shit out of my husband. Take from that what you will. He's not particularly pleased when I tell him about them in the morning.
Im mean Ive been known to take pulls from an A1 bottle every now and again. But that shit is crazy good.
So there I was fighting vampires and staking the shit out of them. I woke up to the sound of my SO yelling "what the fucking fuck?" I had "staked" him in my sleep, driving my fist into the middle of his chest, and didn't even wake up while I was doing it.
Last really weird dream of mine occurred while I was staying with my girlfriend at one of her friend's places out of town. I dreamed I was using her little mini dachshund and my lab to rob banks or something like that. The dogs were running into the places and grabbing stuff, then bringing it to me outside. I dunno. Hey it's Friday! Woohoo!
I have the luxury of living close enough to the office that I can nap most days at lunch. One day, I fell asleep on the couch and I dreamt that I woke up. It was so realistic that I thought I was actually awake and getting ready to go back to work. When I looked at the clock, I realized that the work day was already over. Basically, I had a dream that I was dreaming and I dreamt that I woke up, but I didn't really wake up. When I really did wake up, I was so fucking confused that it took me a while to determine whether I was actually awake or not. For all I know, I could still be dreaming.
2 weeks ago I had a dream that I woke up to my alarm, turned it off, and walked out of my bedroom. It was actually my alarm going off and me turning it off in my sleep. I woke up an hour later than normal, dashed out of the house within 15 min and still was 10-15min late for my first meeting of the day. It was SUPER
I dream just about every night, to the point that I usually spend my first five minutes awake trying to piece together everything that went on in the dream. I really should start to keep a note book on my night stand so I can write about some of the dreams while they're fresh. Some are so vivid it's almost as if I'm watching a movie that I also happen to be a part of. Off topic, but one of the guys who works for me just sent me this link. It's his son's first music video. I'm not really in to hip hop but give it a watch and let me know what you think.
You know, I may have bad days at work, I may hate my job sometimes but at least I don't have to cremate babies for a living. So there is that.