If you prefer Ruxin's literal crying and bitching and moaning and phoney tough-talking and hypochondriac whining bullshit and cheating and obnoxious trash-talking and all-around-undebatable faggotry over Rafi's non-stop epic-one liners...what. The. Fuck. I can't even fathom how anybody could like ANYTHING on that show more than Rafi, much less everything. He's one of the funniest characters currently on TV.
I find Rafi completely grating and unsubtle. I think the strength of the show is in its casual, friendly group dynamic, a dynamic which is completely undermined whenever he shrieks onstage to start chewing up scenery. I also find most of his lines more miss than hit. I *get* why people like Rafi, but he detracts from the show for me. I guess he's more popular with people who use words like faggotry. Also Ruxin has the best one-liner on the show.
I want an episode where Andre is finally sick of their shit and cuts off contact, leaving them to find a new person to ridicule. That person is ruxin and he continues being a whiney sniveling bitch. I guess that sort of happened in the episode where he wins the sacko but they've reused themes before so who cares. Definitely one of my favorite shows. And I agree that while rafi is amusing at times, he is distracting. He is better in small doses, same with Taco.
I definitely like Rafi, but probably would tire of him if he were one of the main characters. I won't spoil it, but Andre has a really funny first episode this season. For me, Ruxin definitely has the best lines. He honestly has that part down. And what blows my mind (for all the characters) is that the show is semi-improv. Just a really well done ensemble cast all around. Even the ancillary characters (Rafi, Sofia) are really good in their parts - and I've never seen an episode where they are out of character (unless the episode is specifically about them being out of character).
Mark Duplass (Pete) invented the "mumblecore" genre of movies which is largely improv. I don't care for mumblecore films, but its largely why the dialogue feels more natural on the show.
I got a haircut. I walked in the house and my daughter informed me I have helmet hair. Sigh. Why do they always insist on styling hair like shit? I tell them I don't use a brush, I just blow dry it. Best part is driving home like this. And ladies? That shorter in the back, longer in the front? Stop. Please, just...stop. I've never seen anyone where I thought that looked good. It just makes you look old. I think I saw three ladies with that style today, ranging in age from mid-20s to 50s. I think I'm going to start watching The League. Like, right now. Everyone seems to like it and from the little I've seen, it looks funny. I also love shows when I know there's improv. I think people that can do that stuff on the fly are really sharp and it intrigues me.
The Husband is a huge Sons of Anarchy fan, so he's been bringing me up to speed for the new season. Is the show now just an homage to Katie Sagal? On the subject of hair - it depends on how it's cut. Spoiler this is far less soccer mom styles than this: Spoiler
League of their own I agree with all of that except I could take more Taco. Last year's Pubercuts episode is one of my all time favorites.
So I was the first 3 time champion of my fantasy football team and decided to tonight a championship built, but only after I reminded everybody who is in charge. Spoiler I have decided that I am most definitely a heel.
They just suspended and demoted guy on my floor at work for being drunk. I believe it, because I smell booze on his breath 50% if the time I talk to him. I don't get it. There is a time to get drunk, and using dangerous equipment is never one of them. We operate forklifts and use machines that can turn cold-rolled steel into sandwich spread in a heartbeat. I don't understand the advantage of being drunk while doing your job. It slows you down, whacks your impulse and causes physical error. Using a mill or a gas-powered saw is just asking for deformaty or death.
Dont even get me fucking started on people being drunk or high on the job around big equipment. I just wished any time there was an accident at work they would be an automatic piss test. But our for some reason there isn't. Oh and these guys are driving 40ton containers around. Someone is going to have to die for something to change.