Re: Scattered smothered a brother Speaking of shitting at WH, when I was in college I ran out of toilet paper and was desperate. I was fully intending on stealing a roll of TP from Waffle House. It would have been the only thing in my life that I have ever stolen or intended on stealing. They were out of TP. Fuck.
Re: Scattered smothered a brother Whenever I go over to my sisters house I try to grab a roll or two of TP on the way out. Cheap and annoying sure, but whatever.
Re: Scattered smothered a brother Seriously? Because you're cheap or because you're her brother? My husband brought home a case of "movie set toilet paper" after a shoot a few years ago. A whole fucking case of 1-ply. Fuck. That. Never again.
Re: Scattered smothered a brother Well, more because I'm her brother and she has cases of that stuff. Its not like I'm grabbing the last roll. She goes to Sam's Club and loads up.
If I grab one or two, every month or so, I doubt thats making a noticeable dent. Its not like I hang out with my sister every day of every week. Maybe once a month if that.
Do you just shove them in your pocket or do you walk out the front door with both rolls brazenly in your hands? I'm fascinated by this constant theft. ... &topnav=bd Pre-cooked bacon that's ready after less than 10 seconds in the microwave, and actually tastes good.
I've had a few cans of Tactical Bacon mailed to me over the years. It's surprisingly not bad...even better if you can heat it and crisp it up some more. Don't knock Eat N' Park, the sugar cookies are legit...don't make me go Antonio Brown punt return on you
Looks like Ray Rice got the ax in Baltimore.
How much do you want to bet the Cowboys sign him? After signing Pacman Jones its not like they aren't morally bankrupt, you may as well gobble up all the violent, unlikeable sociopaths nobody else wants.
It's okay Todd, my parents feed my sister's toilet paper addiction. Ain't no shame. On a completely unrelated note, I've discovered who uses all the toilet paper in the house now that my oldest is at college.
He fucking decked her. I hope he goes down for that. Not just professionally. I get anger and frustration, I really do. But jesus.
In a new joint statement from the team and the NFL, they clarify that the new concussion protocols are for players only, and do not extend to players' significant others.
Loved the tweet the Ravens sent out in May after the Press conference "Janay Rice says she deeply regrets the role that she played the night of the incident." If by role she means being a human punching bag I would agree that is regrettable.
Idiot I know that there's a frame rate that makes part of the video missing, so it makes it hard to tell exactly what went on in between frames. But, the most disturbing part of that video to me, was his calm. I mean, even though frames are missing, you can see she comes at him pretty mad, and he just casually knocks her out cold. I don't know what preceded it all, but that's not a heated struggle that resulted in some pushing and grabbing and yelling that ended up with punches being thrown. That was just, boom. And, then he just drags her out - I'm pretty sure that's not what remorse looks like. I hope that both of them get the help they need. If she is willing to stay with him after that incident, and if he is so casual about what he did, then they both need some serious counseling. It seems to me that Michael Vick was able to get what he needed, and get a second chance. Maybe Rice will, too.