He ate my mom's elephant ear plants. In June. When they were huge. She went to bed and they were alive and woke up and they were nubs. He ate a bag of horse feed. He destrominated a basketball. I'm sure there was other stuff, but those were the things that we just stood there and scratched our heads about...because really...how the fuck does a dog DO that? Also - boxers and their energy levels are amazing to me. Duke will run and gallop and play, then fall down and pass out for an hour, then be recharged for another three hours. Amazing.
I love their ability to lie just out of reach while you're trying to drunk-sleep on the couch with the spins, and then engage in VERY loud personal hygiene for 45 minutes. A wonderful sound. Like old, fat handicapped people hate-fucking.
My dog, as cute and sweet as he is, has brought me to my knees in fits of frustration and anger at the amount of things he has completely destroyed down to the molecular level. I stupidly thought that since I moved into my new place and gave him more space to be less cramped up, he would be more relaxed. Nope. In one afternoon, he destroyed almost every book I owned as well as a pair of expensive earbuds. He also took out a pair of boots and scattered trash all over the house. He's about a year and a half old and I cage him, even if I'm gone for only 10 minutes.
I am a little nervous to ever get another dog after reading all your lovely stories. Buddy got into the trash exactly once and felt very bad after I scolded him for licking the meat tray. He doesn't chew on things. He doesn't have accidents. He pretends to sleep all day, except usually he is watching me. I take him outside to either walk a couple miles or play fetch for about 10 minutes 3x a week and that tires him completely out. My sister calls him a basket case but I think he's pretty rad. PS: I think we traumatized him. He goes into his kennel to escape the vacuum and I've noticed that he goes in there when we're boning now. Poor puppy.
I feel obligated to at least not hate Gatsby since Fitzgerald is an ancestor of mine. Saw the movie out of boredom in FL. It was ok. Nothing to write home about or even rent. It might be worthy of watching on cable 3 years from now.
Ive met 3 pitbulls in the last month or so (2 living in the apartment below my friends and 1 in my building) and it makes you hate all the dumb motherfuckers who train them to fight and take advantage of their loyalty. They are fucking friendly, patient, and loving balls of muscle. The one in my building is owned by a couple that has a toddler and they can't speak any more highly about how great he is with their daughter. The other 2 are docile almost to a fault, though they are protective. I will say though, those things are strong. Just ripped.
For the record: Mother In Law drama is never ending. Jesus Christ. Except she's Jew(ish). So saying Jesus Christ probably has no meaning. But whatever. Anyway. Fucking hell.
Word. They are one of the best people dogs if you SHOW THEM LOVE. However, the small-dick cuntards around here don't, so they're illegal to breed. But it's okay to own a Tosa, a giant nightmare dog genetically bred for fighting. However, they could be fine if raised right. It's the owner, not the dog. How hard of a concept is that? The adorable Tosa at play (it's A Bullmastiff, bulldog, Great Dane and Bull Terrier crossbreed): \ And size:
Re: Re: 9/6/13 WDT NSFW Thirded. Those dogs are every bit as happy as a lab if they get the same amount of love.
That's a gorgeous brindle. All of the 'bully' breeds are typically lovers. I'm saddened by the number of dogs incorrectly labeled 'pit bull mix' on shelter lists. It's damn near a death sentence. edit: The shoes the female is wearing in the Budweiser Black Crown commercial need to be mine. Gawddayum.
I have a pitbull, and her name is Dixie. She's brindled, and she's also the biggest sweetheart you ever saw. I'd post some pictures of her, but they were all on my old computer. If you're bored, you can look them up in the pet thread.
I've wanted a boxer for quite some time. Getting Duke has been eye opening. These dogs are so smart they're goofy. He goes damn near everywhere with me...and there isn't a timid bone in his body.
Boxers are in huge demand nowadays, so beware of inbreeding. This is what happened with Dalmatians a few years ago and those dogs 75% of the time don't work out now. However, Boxers are amazing dogs. Smart, lovable, loyal-to-the-death and nobody in their right or wrong mind would break into your house with those 100 lb. pieces of iron the other side of the door. Its so frustrating when you see those phony-tough douchebags walking around with their Pitbull or Staffordshire on the chain leash with the spiked "tough guy collar" to show how badass they are. Which they are not. They're just a prick with a beartrap-jawed dog who they feed raw meat and gunpowder to twist their stomachs and make them mean. Then, when this animal or one of a similar environment gets loose and mauls a kid or other dog, the media turns them into monsters. The dog is apprehended and put to sleep. But we never know who the owner is (unless he throws a football really far), an he/she's the real criminal. It's all bullshit presentation. A Bloodhound could tear you to shreds but they look like they're all named "Dudley" so you won't see a wannabe gangster walking one. Not to be fucked with:
He's 2, so I think he was right before the boxer popularity explosion. It's unbelievably how many people have said to me, "Hey ma, dets a nice lookin' pit bull you got dere", or something of that nature. I've been asked if he's a St. Bernard, for God's sake.
I rescued a pit mix from the kill shelter about two years ago. When we got her, she was skin and bones, had fleas, and had some worms. We fixed all that and ended up with the best dog on the planet. So smart and well behaved and is pretty much a whore. She has slept over at no less than a dozen houses because everyone loves her so much and she's so easy to have around. We were her last hope because she was labeled a "pit mix" on the shelter website.
Its interesting, golden retrievers are starting to get a reputation for being aggressive. Some people think its because of all the inbreeding. Dogs are a lot like kids, if you mistreat them they can turn out bad. If you abuse a kid, odds are they'll become something less than desirable, and God forbid if they have kids because then the cycle perpetuates. Very few dogs are aggressive without provocation or previous abuse. The only dog I've met that was really dog aggressive just because of its nature was an Akita. Great dog, loved people, wanted to kill everything else. Anyway, a huge discussion is rescue versus breeder. I understand both sides and don't think breeders are bad so long as you get one you know well. Obviously puppy mills are bad, and dogs that come from puppy mills, well thats just tragic, but if you get a dog from a reputable breeder it usually works out.
A couple of my friends have pit bulls and as it's been said, they are very sweet and friendly masses of muscle. I saw the cutest German Shepherd puppy in the world last week at a brewpub. It was sorta like a fox and SO SOFT. Spoiler ...and it's not gonna be that little puppy for long!
You're not kidding. A buddy of mine taught my friend's boxer how to 'whisper' in one night of just hanging out and drinking a few beers. She would just puff air out of her lips, and could switch back and forth between 'whisper' and 'speak' seamlessly.
My Grandfather had one that lived at his shop. He found it frozen and starving in the dead of Winter so he named it "Bones". Now, he went bat shit it you approached the shop when the gate was closed, but he was 100% Up With People. He LOVED humans, especially little kids. However, he was also unrelentingly stupid, in an almost Wile E. Coyote sort of way. This dog would stand on the seven-foot-tall double-wide wood fence bordering the shop with my uncle's house and launch himself happily at you, not caring at all about impact damage. He would also constantly try to leap in the pool on the other side of the fence, which he would never clear and instead land with a big smack like a dead walrus on the concrete deck. I once remember him chasing a rabbit around the tarmac of the shop. There was snow, and there was an equipment trailer against the shop wall on the tarmac and the snow had built up against it, so you couldn't tell the width of or where the gap between the ground and the trailer was. Keep in mind: Pitbulls are one of the fastest medium-sized breed of dogs, only a couple can run quicker. They are fucking bullets when they take off. The gap was only about a foot tall, so the rabbit booked it right under the trailer, Bones, the moron, decided to follow full tilt thinking he could fit and *CRACK* knocked himself out-cold sleepy time. I thought he was dead. Dogs are dumb and run into things, but I've never seen one drill itself like this. He dented the trailer's metal trim. My uncle carried him into the shop where he laid on a pile of clean rags and did nothing but moan all afternoon. Easily my favourite Robot Chicken: