Coworker A: [Audrey], my chatter is concerned because she asked her boyfriend to pee in her, and she's saying that when she felt the pee come out she thought it seemed thick and more like semen. She thinks that there may have been semen in his pee. What the hell am I supposed to tell her?" Me: Um, you can tell her that urine and semen are two separate things and they wouldn't happen at the same time. Coworker B: That would be like Sharknado. Me: Yes, it would be exactly like Sharknado.
Stupid question, why would a woman want to be peed in? If it was semen she'll find out soon enough, and if that doesn't happen, well she can sleep well at night thinking she just got pissed in.
I have to admit - I've been less than diligent about truly working Duke. Work kicks my ass so much, and then when I'm at work and have down time and CAN work with him, fuckwits decide to interfere and "heyyyy whatcha doin' " and distract him, which I find quite rude. I do intend to make that a priority once we move.
That is NOT exactly like Sharknado. That's...what is that? She ASKED him to do that? Does she not know what a detachable shower head is for?
Your job is gross. And I fear that it would really jade me for humanity for the number of people who know exactly nothing about their bodies or how they work.
Unfortunately, we could not figure out a professional way to ask her why she wanted to be peed in. Peed on? Sure, I know some people are into that. But peed in? The best part was, they get to come up with a username for the chat service and her name was "afraidtoask."
It's just further proof that our education system is failing in yet another area.. The Chinese will be peeing in each other at such advanced levels in only a couple year's time that it will take us decades to catch up.
Isn't that kind of a screen name usually reserved for 13 year old girls to ask how guys get boners? Not woman asking how to tell if they got pissed in or a guy came in her? I imagine her screen name should be something a bit different
There is no bottom as far as kink is concerned. You think you find bottom and find the weirest little pirate in all of Puppetland, but thanks to the internet you soon find some woman who in real life enjoys reenacting the part with the rat in American Psycho.
Sounds like a UTI waiting to happen. But who knows, maybe this vagina has seen it's share of contamination.
I think that if you're resorting to, y'know, having your boyfriend detail your interior with a golden shower then my guess is you have some worn tread on your tires.
The Godfather the movie sorely missed the sub plot where Sonny's mistress, the one he bangs at the wedding, moves to Las Vegas and has her humongous vagina sewed up nice and tight. Really missed the boat on that one. I reread Fight Club not too long ago and the book was a lot gayer in the undertones than I remember. Tyler slips him his number when they are chilling naked on a nude beach no accidental plane meeting. When he "leaves" the narrator drones on and on about how Tyler left him like it was his fagmo boyfriend dumping him. Don't worry Sack I own a pit, she's always happy:
Is that Canadian for she probably has herpes? You guys need to stop being so PC and just say what you mean.
Not that I'd encourage anyone to google this, but you all know that somewhere there is porn related to dropping a deuce in some chick's vagina (i.e., Muffin Loaf) I mean, come on. Rule 34.
Oh you didn't know? Women don't get herpes up here anymore since the vaccine from our Pinko healthcare.