They are having their once-every-seventeen-years fuckfest orgies up here this summer so there's ten times as many. Ours aren't as evil-looking (or nearly as populated) like the south. Ours look like giant long-winged bumblebees, only white instead of yellow on their backs. In the American South they look like Death's Head From the Ninth Ring of Hell. Huge blood-red eyes and Giger-esque architecture. Sound different too. They seem whistle down there while they sound like scoreboard buzzers up here. Either way, they are the loudest insect on the planet and can click their bodies at over 120 dB, which can cause pain and loss of hearing up close.
Yup. The 17 year brood hit when I was a freshman from college. My friend from LA was absolutely stunned at the insane act of nature. Hell he didn't even know the roads got salted during winter snow let alone giant bug fuck death orgies.
They NEVER fucking rot. One died on my central air and it's body was still there, not decomposed whatsoever, a MONTH later. I keep on thinking they're so sort of evil chrysalis that's going to hatch some baby-eating, leather-winged, slobber mouthed Cthulhu that will rip your house off its foundation while you sleep and eat your soul like a bag of movie popcorn.
Same with Ivan Neville's "Why Can't I Fall In Love" for me. Samantha Mathis in Pump Up The Volume . . . NSFW Video Link
NOW everybody's worshiping it. I bring it up a week ago and I get snipped at. That scene is the reason they invented spring-loaded Kleenex dispensers. Impossibly nubile. Life must suck for Kevin Kline.
How long does it take to take to get down from the World Trade Center? The rest of your life. Ill show myself out.
Well, Crown, sometimes it's hard to keep up with the sheer volume of your posts. A few are bound to slip through the cracks.
I just think the scene is a tad overrated. I understand it came out in a time where procuring any sort of nudity was a very hard struggle and it was one of the hotter girls of her generation in Hollywood. Now that we have infinite streaming porno on demand and most every Hollywood star has nudie scenes and/or leaked sex tapes/pics I just don't think it stands up. I never got into the nostalgia of the scene. It's alright but average. I always got much more into Demi Moore's nudie scenes from her early roles.
They're called sentries. If you ever look at a flock of geese feeding in a field, you'll notice that the ones on the outer edges of the group will have their heads up. Those are the sentries. They serve to watch for predators like fox and coyotes and also to communicate with other passing flocks of geese while the others put their heads down to eat. Knowing this lets you set your decoys in a natural looking pattern which will help you kill more geese. And for the record, they're Canada geese. Not Canadian geese.
I remember borrowing VHS porn from friends in order to get work done. Back then... It was a quest, an adventure to procure pornography.