PeerBlock is just a false sense of security. It can only maintain blacklists, which means you can only block a known bad address. It's marginally better than nothing, but by the time the IPs are known to add to the block list, they've already collected data - and they will never be known unless they do something to out themselves.
French onion soup is on the stove, the sourdough bread is packed up, and I'm waiting on the lemon bars in the oven. Days like these, man. I wish my size and metabolism were as revved as el husbands.
I was asked to chaperone a Halloween party this year, which I have no desire to do, but the mom took a bunch of kids to the beach for her daughter's birthday and found out that a couple kissed 4 times during the trip. So she doesn't want to be known as the makeout house and is asking a bunch of her friends to be there. So I guess I will be on kissing patrol. At least there will be good eats. Dog:
Why is Gods name would you volunteer to be part of that? When it comes to teenagers and what they do (outside of drugs) the less you know, the better off you are. Teenagers are going to screw, regardless if some old person is watching them sit on a couch, God forbid they go out to the car and blow each other. Really, when has a parent trying to set guidelines on kids, ever deterred teenagers from seeing what goes where?
...but God dam she's in all sincerity not that attractive. Actually at 27, I feel a bit creepy judging the looks of a teenager.
My housemate is 25 and I'm 30. As far as he is concerned I'm old and the same flies when his 20 year old mate is talking to him.
Miley is trying too hard. It feels like something doesn't fit and she is trying too hard. I have trouble explaining it beyond that. My brain doesn't accept her as a potential sexual partner like it did when Christina or Brittany were doing similar things...hell even Madonna. There is something desperate about her that honestly makes me sad. Maybe I'm just getting old.
After Mileygate and the comparisons to those who had paved the way before I rewatched some of Britney's old performances. Man that girl had "it". Miley looks even worse in attempting any sort of comparison.
I have to agree that Miley is kind of weirdly asexual. Nothing to do with age, or "LOL, sharp elbows" - she just doesn't have any real sex appeal despite trying desperately hard. I mean, I'm not saying I'd kick her out of bed...
Why is it none of the Disney girls I want to see skank themselves up ever do? Despite being tainted with Bieber, Selena Gomez seems pretty well put together and that girl from Good Luck, Charlie (Yes, I have children and know this. Bite me.) seems like she is actually a down to Earth and normal person.