I just find it aesthetically unappealing. I'm refering to guy length hair on women. I don't really like chin length and all that, but I have seen some women who can pull it off. All a matter of opinion though.
Not all short hair on girls is butch. A well done pixie (Charlize, Michelle Williams, Shimmered(see what I did there?)) can be very hot. But Miley and Pink, something about the way they wear it is just... butch.
P!nk takes pride in doing whatever she wants, female expectations be damned. She works out a lot, is small chested, is square jawed, and has spiky hair. I admire her for that alone.
ISWYDT. Miley's just weird. A Hollywood childhood would do that. P!nk has an...aggressive...sense of style. There's not a lot of softness about her, so I can see it leaning toward 'butchness'.
I will refer back to the TMMB thread for my opinion on girls with short hair: "Girls with short hair are hot in spite of their short hair, not because they have short hair. It can only be neutral (Pink) or detract (Miley), never does it enhance." In short, no girl is hotter with short hair than she would normally be with regular length hair.
I can't disagree with this. Except I don't think it detracts from Miley. She needed a break from her pre-18 image.
Present company excluded, this is how women talk other women into doing stupid shit to their hair and wearing stupid clothes (high waisted anything). It will make you look more feminine she said...
Let's take a break from this silly conversation to point out that Parker has officially cross 6000 rep. FreeCorps put me over the top. WOO HOO! I should get a price, like moderation rights or a hat. I'll take a hat.
I don't know about that...In reviewing some of my long hair pictures, I can honestly say that unless it's...exactly perfect...it's not always flattering. And i get lazy with it and yank it back. And The Husband hated me having long hair because it would collect at the head of our bed, so when we changed our sheets, there would be knots of it...and the shower drain...I hate the shower drain...
This sounds suspiciously like after the fact justification. Let me ask you a question: who's idea was it it cut your hair short? I can guarantee it wasn't a straight guy. Short hair is something women talk other women into. Guys want no part in it.
Actually, The Husband and I talked about it, and he really liked the idea, then I did it, and he loved it. The ONLY reason I've grown it back out is because getting my hair cut every 3 weeks to the tune of $70 a pop is ridiculously expensive. I don't want to spend $140/mo on my damn HAIR. I don't talk to girls about my hair or looks. I learned NOT to do that a LONG time ago. Womens is bitches. edit: And it's definitely NOT a post cut justification...I very much enjoyed having short hair.
Translation . . . The Husband and I talked about it = I brought it up to my husband; he never would've suggested it. and he really liked the idea = he likes me and is supportive I did it, and he loved it = he loves me and still wants to sleep with me and therefore wouldn't tell me he prefers longer hair to keep peace in the house imho
Nope. His idea...My hair was down to my waist, and it was annoying to him, especially since it would medusa around us at night. P!nk came on my ipod and he said he thought I'd look good with something like her hair. A pixie cut has always been on my bucket list, so I chopped to my shoulders then took it all the way up. He genuinely finds the long hair annoying. Difficult for some of you males to believe, I know, but it it is what it is.
That's true. I may need to double check some things, what with him living in the barracks for the past 18 months.