Re: Re: 9/6/13 WDT NSFW I took mushrooms for the second time and floated down a river with a bunch of strangers in bum fuck Louisiana (wally world for those that might know) and that still sounds worse. Good lord man, how the hell did you not lose it?
Re: Re: 9/6/13 WDT NSFW Shrooms and E may have some similar buzz symptoms, but different personality triggers. Mushrooms make you giggle uncontrollably and can cause paranoia. Not for 30,000 feet in the sky. E nukes your inhibitions with the snap of the fingers and suddenly you're just SO HAPPY everyone around you is there to share the same oxygen at you. I did E a LOT because it is afar and away my favourite vice, the only chemical drug I'd still do. I always thought the best way to control yourself is to project an image of exactly how you're acting at the moment, kind of like when they're watching "now" on the TV in Spaceballs. If you don't watch yourself, you start acting like a motor-mouthed idiot flattering everything in sight with pupils the size of hockey pucks. Just sit and enjoy to the fresh mountain water flowing through your veins, maybe listen to tunes. Choose the body buzz over the social one because it is a roller coaster ride to say the least.
I think the funniest thing about twerking is that its just another word for giving someone a lap dance. Back in my day we called it freaking, people have always done it, the name just changes. I remember seeing girls do this at high school dances. There's nothing special or new about it.
Or Da Butt, Or Tootsie Roll, or The Money Shot, or The Lottery Winner or the Hump Dance or Grinding or any nickname it may have had in the past. Only now they make up words that never existed.
People say Korea is the Forgotten War, I think the modern Afghan campaign needs to be considered too.
Re: Re: 9/6/13 WDT NSFW As much as I hate political talk on here, we really screwed the pooch on this one.
It's not on CNN crawl but is on Fox news - Fox attributing to AP report, so it should be out there. WDT diversion for Jets Patriots game: - The cheerleaders look good in the pouring rain - Millions of dollars in technology and they can't put a wiper on the flying camera?
So changing gears, hottest cheerleaders in the NFL? My vote goes to the Redskins even though I'm a Lions fan.
After a two and a half hour delay, I am finally on the plane. Hope I can sleep, or this will be a loooooong flight.
I slept sparingly on the flight to London and then took a two hour night after I got there at around 8 the next morning and I was fine. I had no jet lag the entire week I was there. My dad, who travels alot and screws with his sleep schedule in the days before trips to adjust, told me its cause I do it every weekend. Basically staying up till 3-4 in the morning and sleeping till 11-12, as opposed to going to bed at 12 and waking up at 7 or so, replicates it, so my body is used to it. Pretty interesting when I thought of it.
I always make it a point to start lining up my sleep schedule before I actually make a big trip, sleeping pills make me feel shitty though so I just make sure to get an extra tough workout the day before and maybe only catch a couple hours of sleep the not before. I've done both ways between Seoul and Newark, both ways between Tokyo and SEATAC, DC to Frankfurt, both ways between DC and Milan. Never had a problem with jet lag and any time not spent sleeping I just read. Oh, and if you're a pleb like me who flies economy, buy a neck pillow. The only time I've spent more than 3 hours on a plane were the flights to and from Italy, the quality of travel has gone up so much since I got one, and they have them at every airport for like $15.
And don't think getting drunk on the plane to help you sleep is a good idea. It is not. A hangover combined with jet lag is a bitch.
Apparently the weather was pretty bad there. My husband was at the Philadelphia airport as well, to come back to Virginia. They cancelled his flight, so he just rented a car and drove back. Got home an hour and a half later than he would have had the flight not been cancelled, so it worked out.