I have a cousin who's super catholic and believes in "natural family planning" aka the oldskool rhythm method. Dumbass has been married less than 3 months and is already knocked up. She got pregnant the week after the honeymoon. She's never been an intelligent girl. Ultimate fail. Also, she's kinda a bitch to pretty much everyone. I guess following catholic sex rules is important but being a generally nice person isn't.
I worked with a woman that the exact same thing happened to also. After she insisted how effective it was.
I think it's funny. She's trying to play if off, but this was definitely not planned and I see a sad yet predictable future ahead.
Maybe she realized that a women's value is in her ability to reproduce so wasn't working on the rhythm method quite as actively as she led you to believe. My college had many little traditional ways to say things (grounds, not campus, first year, not freshman, etc etc)so I kind of get it, by hearing "THE Ohio State University" just pisses me off.
Wait a damn minute. Am I the only one around here who hadn't heard about 'Sack's divorce? I don't think even the most cynical of us thought that it would end this fast.
Was the jacket blue and orange? Usually anything that just says Virginia on it is referring to the University of Virginia. Maybe it was a Tech fan. Or maybe someone on the other team went to UVA.
More dog pics!!! Piper really kind of hates Church. He pretty much destroys everything she loves. But... He has obedience down a lot better. I'm trying to find a photo that shows how much gray he carries around.
What if she swallows, but makes me go down to the Burger King down the street every time I have to pee?
No idea. It was years ago. Better co-worker story: One of his friends at work has a brother that lives in Arizona whose wife makes him live in the shed out back. I asked how is that even possible--particularly in AZ, where he would probably die--and he didn't have all the details. Something about they have a daughter and the wife said she would accuse him of child abuse if he said anything. His coworker even went to AZ to try to talk some sense into his brother with no success. Of course, being a woman, I had tons of questions and wanted lots of details. However, him being a man, had no details as he doesn't like to ask questions. So I'm left hanging. Then there was also the guy that fell asleep during big meetings when he had to present, would often fall out of his chair while falling asleep at work, and went home one time to find his wife sleeping with his neighbor. So, his company is hiring a boatload of IT guys if anyone needs a job. Interesting place to work. Well, as interesting as IT gets. Dog:
I was just away from my dog for the longest time yet (eight days) and apparently he slept next to the front door most nights I was gone. He went crazy when I got home tonight and is asleep next to me like this now: His obedience has been great lately. When I adopted him five months ago he couldn't stay put if I walked ten feet away and now he can handle this: He will be going hunting with me soon! SOON!
So true, man. The closer that my wedding comes, my fiancé and I have been talking more and more about our sexual needs and it came out that she really wanted to heat up a fire poker on the gas stove while I masturbated in half of a horse costume on top of the dining room table. Once the poker is sufficiently glowing, she then brands a certain spot on my scrotum to make it look like Gorbachev's birthmark. When that's achieved, she cums so hard that we have to replace sections of hardwood floor. Love, right? It's all give and take.
It's almost like you had no idea she didn't swallow before you said "I do". Jesus, 'sack, the more I listen to this incessant whining the more I wonder which one of you dodged the bigger bullet.