How does George Zimmerman get into so much fucking trouble? I mean he can't just keep his shit together for not even two months?
The adaptation with Jim Cavee-, Jim Caveezuhhl, Caviar?- The dude that played Jesus was a pretty good one. Plus Guy Pearce being evil. Loads. Fight Club Carrie Godfather Shawshank Redemption Green Mile Jurassic Park The Prestige No Country For Old Men Clockwork Orange To name a few. All as good as the source material, arguably better. *Nom is spot on with Clockwork. The book is kind of, meh. Then again it was Kubrick at his peak.
I was gonna say The Shining, because I've read and seen that. I've heard that Princess Bride is much better than the book, but I never read that book. It's such a great movie, I just assume it's true. Same for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
I agree with all those except The Shining. I know Stephen King hates it, I thought it was a porentially robust 90 minute thriller stretched out into 2.5 hours of boredom, and Jack goes nuts so fast in the movie there's no time to drink in the atmosphere. It delivers some chills, but I like the mini series better personally.
Well, that's because the story is great - so the movie and the TV series are terrific, simply because the source story is so good. The book is good, mind you, but the film improved on it because it was able to successfully compress the right parts. imho.
She pulled a pack of skittles on him. What did you expect him to do?! A man has the right to defend himself.
I found the characters in the book to be caricatures, so it's hard to imagine a movie making them any worse. Tom Wolfe is a great writer in many aspects, but character depth is not one of them.
Of ones I have both read and seen: The Godfather, Fight Club, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, Gone With the Wind, The Green Mile, and (probably) the Shining. Edit: whoops, saw that I'm basically just adding to the chorus here. Jaws is another one I hear that I'd be willing to believe.
Who would think that such a cute, loving designer mutt like this could be capable of destruction like this
Buck hasn't destroyed anything like that (thankfully), but he has hidden several dozen tennis balls around the house. Water is like crack cocaine for him. First he tried a little bit... just some wading and splashing. Then came swimming. Now he has to launch himself into it. There is no cure for this addiction.
My old big lab, Cosby, the second dog I showed pics of, was a purebred lab and loved swimming, whether it was the ocean, lake or pool. I don't think he knew or cared, he just wanted to swim. With our pool we got him into diving. He would jump off a 5ft ledge into our pool to get his ball. Labs are good, simple, happy dogs.
The only lab I've ever had was inbred to the point of retarded. I keep hearing how awesome they are and...yeah....that dog ate a car battery and didn't die.
There is SO much funny in that first pic I don't know where to begin. Let alone moving on to the second. Not funny at the time though. When the dainty girl, pictured in my first post, was a pup she ate everything and anything. I came home one day to find my king size mattress chewed through to the springs in some places. All I could do was sit in the middle of the foam and fluff mess and cry. She licked my face. Even though I wanted to kill her, she turned my tears into laughter because (hopefully) she was trying to say she was oh so sorry for what she had done. She is a lot older now and may move slower as the days go by but she still makes me smile every single day. Gotta love dogs.
Those things are half the size of a cinder block and weigh what, 70, 80 pounds? Explain how that's possible. Was it a remote controlled car battery? I think Labs and G. Retrievers are the best dogs personality-wise, but such a paradox as puppies: the world's cutest critter while also a being of pure evil. A Lab/Golden Retriever puppy's thought process goes as follows: "DESTROY. DESTROY. DESTROY!!!!!!"
He was the size of a small pony - seriously every bit of 107 lbs, and his front legs had a disorder where the inner growth plates couldn't keep up with the outer growth plates, so he looked like a cartoon dog, pigeon toed and he noodled when he walked. It was sad. He noodled over to a battery my dad had sitting on the ground in the shop, and the stupid dog chewed it.
In the dogs defense, it probably had no idea what a car battery is. It was just an unlucky dog with uninformed tastes.
They're retarded. Flat out dumb. The only way to get peace with a critter like that is to run it silly 18 hours a day. Then, then you can sleep peacefully a few hours without worrying that your dog devoured an entire armoire. My friend had a golden retriever. At about 7 months old it was a good 60-70 pounds. It would sit on your lap and swallow your entire arm until you were covered in viscous dog drool that smelled like a garbage barge in August. Oh sure, hella sweet dog. but it never got tired, it never got bored. It was always ON. It slept like an hour a day.