Well you don't have to be a dick about it, Nett. I'm so ready for the next week to be over. I head to Tennessee next Thursday and get back on Sunday, show is on Tuesday. Unfortunately I have to train someone to cover my job while I'm on vacation and I don't think she's picking up what I'm putting down, so the next week is bound to be frustrating as hell.
3 weeks til The Day. Sooo what you're saying is that someday soon I'll wish things felt like Andre fisting?
I only meant that it wasn't my motivation for posting it... not that I don't care what you think or how it makes you feel or shit.
Oh, I just thought you meant make sure you show your boobs at the show and post a selfie of it on TiB.
I'd be willing to sponsor a killer TiB mesh top for her to wear on stage with the other 23 hot chicks. I mean, it's not quite as extreme as the classic Golden Palace advertising... ...but I'm sure it just can't go wrong.
I have no idea how to source something like that... if anyone can help figure that out, I will make this happen.
@audreymonroe to the BatPhone... @audreymonroe to the BatPhone. Do you know how to get a sexy mesh shirt (the type that nipples poke through the holes), with a big TiB silkscreened on it? Anyone?
Just http://m.partycity.com/products/black fishnet t-shirt And then https://www.amazon.com/Avery-InkJet-T-Shirt-Transfers-Sheets/dp/B0000C0CIR Which are also available at Walmart, Staples, etc. It should be pretty easy to make nipple holes.
Are you interested? If so, let me know what it would take for you to make that and get it to Abneretta.
You know, there are times I regret saying things because I always rise to the challenge. This isn't even one of them. You guys can totally pick my outfit.
Gotta have the nipple where the "i" is and tape over the dot. Hold a sign asking SP to pull off the tape.
Don't doubt my stubbornness, it's gotten me into trouble in the past I'm sure it can get me into trouble now.