I never quite understood what value snapchat could bring to me. Today I finally figured it out. Via the new map feature I can watch people in key west that were too dumb to leave and see what terrible things happen to them. I highly recommend you all do it also.
Ah, Rush Limbaugh, never change. Limbaugh evacuates Florida home, after claiming Irma was a media fabrication to push a climate change agenda, among other things. They had some idiot on tv who's staying in Key West. On his sail boat. He somehow thinks this is a responsible course of action. Like, he wouldn't even sail east and try to get away. 99% chance he's dead. It would be stupid enough to stay there in a shelter. Dude is basically committing suicide.
A family friend is staying in their house in Naples. It's literally on the sea wall, facing the gulf. Nothing to protect them. They're on an island, only way onto it is a small bridge that's going to be wiped out. They didn't stock up on food or water because they said they didn't think they'd need it. We tried to get them to leave but they wouldn't. Told them we loved them and goodbye. There is a greater chance than not that they will die. It is suicide.
Not quite. If you're in a shelter, even by the ocean you have a decent chance of making it out. Why the fuck you would risk that... I have no idea. Certainly, some people are going to get killed. My sister did the same thing, in basically the same area (Bonita Springs, just a few miles north of Naples). She's in a hurricane proof home, shutters on all the windows, reinforced the doors, stocked up on supplies, etc but I'm still extremely worried for her. Tried my best to talk her out of it. The ridiculous explanation was that traffic was such a pain. Ummm... look at all the shit you just did in hopes you make out ok. She's a few miles from the beach on elevated ground so she'll probably be ok, but I'm amazed that she's being so stupid. She originally wanted to leave but her fiance/fiance's family talked her into staying with them. I really underestimated how many Floridians think that because the media hypes every hurricane they're all the same. It's like thinking there's no difference between an F1 and F5 tornado. My boss was also determined to stay on Amelia Island no matter what. Fortunately for him, it looks like Jacksonville isn't going to get hit nearly as bad as other areas.
If I were in miami I'd shelter wherever they're sheltering all that cocaine. Because you know they aren't letting that shit go anywhere.
Size of hurricane relative to Europe: For those of you that wish to watch our impending doom, loss of livelihood,etc with morbid fascination, this is a stream of the areas that are going to get the first impacts. One guy already got taken out by a wave taking a selfie by the 'southern most point' buoy in key west. The hurricane isn't there yet, but they're catching the outskirts of the tropical storm that accompanies it. In a few hours all hell is going to break loose.
I think it was a cloud formation. Either way, the scene was only missing a banjo. Off topic: define "old school": ...now did that woman have her shit together or did she have her shit together?
Wait, you're expect us to believe a woman wrote code? If you believe that then I got a dry house in Houston to sell you.
Please. If it wasn't for all the sexist comments like that the tech industry would be filled with women. In all seriousness though, that's the code written by the entire team, not just her. Even so, I shudder thinking how long that would have taken and the anxiety accompanied knowing that if you made a mistake it might be headline news. Even more so in an era when nobody knew what the fuck they were doing when it came to writing code.
I'm guessing it's probably Fortran, which is the first language I learned to code with. It was a major pain in the ass and it was all hand written. And to add to the anxiety, you had to worry that whoever entered the code into the key punch machine entered it correctly and that the cards were in the correct order when they ran the program. Spoiler: Stop! Fun fact: When MC Hammer was like 8 or 9 he used to dance outside the Oakland Coliseum before A's games. Team owner Charlie O. Finley was so entertained by the young boy he brought him in and let him meet the players. Reggie Jackson thought the kid looked a lot like Hank Aaron and took to calling him "Hammer" after Hank's nickname. Spoiler: Hammer time! Woo Hoo! Just picked up this little gem for $71!
Key West honeymoon in October... ...maybe? I don't know how quickly shit bounces back down there. We might end up doing a road trip, I guess.
Not even close. It was written in assembly. And she was the team lead, and was fucking amazing at her job. Here's the code, if you're interested: http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/listings/Comanche055/
When I was taking language classes I wrote a fun for the whole family game I called Ho-nopoly. It was a simple DOS based text game based on Monopoly except instead of property you were dealing in ho's. On the lower level ho's you could upgrade them by buying them breath mints and crack, mid level you bought Jheri Curl and douche, high end you bought them bigger boobs and smaller noses. The goal of the game was to accumulate enough money to pimp out your Pinto with curb feelers, rims, and a thumping stereo. It was something like 60 pages of code when I printed it out, but by God it worked. It also took me almost a week.