Did anyone else google "alien dildo" to see what weirdness popped up? HA! Those are the dildos I will picture the next time I hear the insult "dick lips".
Damnit, just when the Seahawks are getting ready to implode and I have a chance to give him shit as the Niners and Seahawks battle for last place in the NFC West. Now all I have is ToyToy and his pathetic Mariners.
I am mostly surprised that there turned out to be something to get invested in in all that talk of coding and knife sharpening that I've been skimming all weekend. All this year I thought I wasn't really being catcalled and I thought I was maybe getting old enough to not be as much of a target anymore, but it turns out I've just been wearing my headphones. For the last couple weeks, I've been enjoying just walking around without listening to anything, but it's like the floodgates have opened. And a lot of them have been very formally asking me out in a drive by sort of way? That's always happened now and then but now it's consistent so I don't know what's up with that. Last week I was taking a long walk and was stopped three times to see if they could take me out that night. Last weekend I was walking home from the train and a guy invited me to his family's Labor Day barbecue. And tonight I was waiting for my Lyft home from my friend's house when a car pulled over and asked me if I was familiar with the neighborhood. I thought they were lost so I said yes, but they asked where the nearest bars were. I directed him to the closest stretch, then he asked if I'd go with him. I said I was waiting for a car. He said I should cancel it. "No, I'm just going home." "I can take you home." "No thank you!" "Would you want to hang out sometime?" "No thank you!" Then a couple more go arounds before he finally told me I was very beautiful and he was sorry to bother me and drove away. Although, while I obviously wouldn't do it in that scenario, the guy was if not a full Haisid definitely an Orthodox Jew, and I've always thought if any of them came on to me that I thought was attractive enough I would totally do it. Being the one to lure a Man Of The Book away from his faith like that? Kind of hot. I'd even let them believe I'm full shiksha. Unfortunately, none of the ones that have presented an opportunity have been appealing enough. I do kind of think the guy who recently opened up a bagel place in my neighborhood is pretty cute though, AND I'm assuming if we hooked up I'd get some free lox out of the arrangement at least, so WILL REPORT BACK on my progress there. Anyway, probably going to go back to never being out in public without headphones again soon.
Its interesting that your first reaction was to lash out at those that didnt call him out to your satisfaction, instead of you know, calling him out yourself because you were offended. It was stupid and offensive on Toytoy's part, but so what? Do you really give that much of a shit? People like you stopped posting because you cant get over the fact that not everyone here has the impulse to self-flagellate over white guilt 24/7. You subscribe to that extremely toxic and emotional narrative that clouds any form of rational judgment or reasonable thinking. Its possible to have a discussion without prostrating at the alter of identity politics, but I'm guessing you'll never see it that way. Enjoy being angry at everything.
Half of the stories on /r/all yesterday were about how he yelled the N word with a hard R while live streaming.
It's trending now. Im glad I gave up on video games as far as a hardcore hobby years ago as gamergate and this nonesense would have taken up much more of my life than ever should have been.
I hope ODEN has done okay, but it sounds bad. Only lost one tree so far that took out a fence section. Still have power! Heaviest winds coming in the next few hours.
I never lost power when Katrina came through. My father was about 1/2 a mile from me and his went out almost immediately. Rural power is a strange thing.
It's even more strange when dealing with a large event that affects the entire power grid, such as a hurricane... urban or rural, makes no difference... all power can do weird things based on cascading failures and power redistribution.
We lost power, a few downed trees, some flooding, not that bad all things considered. If north Florida can take this thing no sweat I'm sure you'll be fine Rush. I'd offer a titty shot as comfort but only so much I can do. Have fun Georgia. Irma left her panties. Get ready for a ride.
It's meant to be funny/tongue-in-cheek/arty/political so that they get a lot of press during Fashion Week and then money/interest in making wearable designs, since they're a new and small and independent design team that no one would've ever heard of if they didn't make clothing with vaginas (or dicks from previous years) on them.