But would you really want to? I kind of miss being left to my own devices and doing stupid shit just because I can. This whole go to work, come home, go to sleep, go to work...lather, rinse, repeat...day after day, month after month, year after year....is boring as hell. And I have 8 more years of it, if I stick to my plan, before I can go nuts again. Just kill me now.
Hell yes. I'm not sure what it says about me -- actually, I am, I'm just too embarrassed to admit it -- but I've actually done more "dumb" shit since I stopped drinking than I ever did when I was wasted all the time. Just because I don't drink doesn't mean I've lost the enthusiasm for blowing shit up, lighting stuff (including myself by accident) on fire, using otherwise benign tools and parts for nefarious purposes against their intended use endangering myself and others after a highly suspect risk/reward calculation. When I was drunk, I'd just say "aw fuck it what's the worst that could happen?" and try something out. The only difference now that I'm sober, is that I think through to their logical and natural conclusion, then devise a strategy to improve on the areas of weakness in the plot and mitigate the potential for a failed and boring outcome. For example, today I had a bunch of old pallets to burn off (after completing the duck coop) as well as some boxes, and the rock fire pit is only the size of roughly two pallets side by side. So instead of just tossing them on one at a time after lighting the boxes with diesel like I'd do in an alcohol rage, causing hot coals to fly everywhere and likely burn me and the grass in the process, I instead broke down the boxes and used them to form layers between the pallets as I stacked them four high. I tossed a little diesel at on each layer, then hosed down the grass surrounding the pit going out a good ways. Using an old piece of PVC with a cinder block at the back end, I lit a bottle rocket and slid it down the pipe, which was aimed into the pit. The bottle rocket shot into the stack and it caught fire easily. And no one died. Beat that, fucking aggies.
I was at a house party last weekend, and we ended up talking about 9/11 at one point. The number of people saying "I don't remember" and "who cares?" bothered me, especially considering that they were only 2-3 years younger than me.
And come up with a well reasoned and theoretically feasible plan that may or may not include lighting yourself on fire? While sober? No thanks. Being sober also includes being possibly tensed up, when drunk you're kind of loosey goosey and roll with the punches. Instead of standing there logically thinking "I'm on fire", you simply react and stop, drop, and roll into someone else and catch them on fire. It's the cycle of life.
The guy getting his ass kicked by the llama is the best. The cowboy looked like he knew what he was getting himself into, thats just good old fashion dumb fun. Looked like his skull might've cracked but yea, worth the story I'm sure.
9/11 is like any historical event. For the Millennials it'll be our JFK, Pearl Harbor, etc. As we age we'll get pissed people show less reverence for it and we'll be the ones telling the stories. Every generation has an event like this, and we'll be the old people one day saying how kids don't respect history and bullshit like that. I've already accepted it. Hell the freshman class at UMN don't have a memory of 9/11 as they were most like 3 when it happened.
Can I be that guy that says I don't find her face that attractive? Yea, body wise dam, but she kind of looks like she has no soul...
Interesting. Thats kind of a slow ship time for live animals. Ive ordered both fresh/saltwater fish and a couple geckos when I was in HS and they came Fedex overnight delivery to my door.
I participated in a sporting clays tournament yesterday. It's like golf with a gun! 16 different locations in the woods and clay pigeons from all angles. I haven't had an interest in guns since I was in high school, but I think this may bring me back. I'm still not really into hunting or gun culture but this was a blast. I highly recommend it to anyone that has a passing interest in shooting.
Heard a noise in my backyard so I grab a flashlight and find deer finishing their meal of all my tomatoes. 10 plants 6 feet and taller loaded with tomatoes and they are all fucking gone. What they didn't eat they knocked off and stepped on. At least 40 pounds of tomatoes, all different varieties, all gone. Fuckers.
Yes, really crappy, bred for looks, longevity and not taste ones from the supermarket. Or $3 a pound for almost same quality at a farmers market. So I just fed some deer at minimum a $120 meal.
Over the past year, I've become more and more convinced that Trump is deeply closeted/denying his own sexuality to himself. Every single time I watch the man speak, all I can think is "That is the queeniest little fairy." And I guess since he grew up in NYC he didn't go the "violently hate-filled towards gays" route that those kind of people can take and more the "spending your whole life compensating for something, showboating of performed masculinity, sassy, thin-skinned, drama-filled, lashing out towards any other groups you think could be less powerful than you" route. Plus all the spray tanning. Once you start seeing it you can't unsee it.
I could see that. I mean, you could totally see her taking him home, strapping up, and then fucking him up the ass. She probably does it with a bit of Mexican role playing, which might be where his hate for (certain) immigrants came from.
Kind of like that guy that brags about all the girls he's been with because he's freaked out someone will think he's gay?
Yeah, he hasn't seemed to have progressed from how preteen boys talk about women before they've ever had sex or dated anyone, and I thought that was just immaturity, cavemanness, and chauvinism but maybe he really just doesn't know any better. He basically bought all his wives so he's never really had to force himself to sustain a romantic relationship pre-contract too. Plus he's (allegedly, but come on) raped a bunch of women (and a child) and there's that possible link between repressed homosexualiy and sex crimes. All I know is if that man did not have at least one dick in or around his mouth during his Studio 54 days I will eat my hat. I also forgot to mention the hand gestures. They are key. Tell me there aren't any similarities between these videos: