Ah, well some Apple users were complaining about having to buy new adapters if they lose them, or buying special headphones, but it turns out that's not true. You just need to buy a new car.
Eh. I get their complaints, losing shit sucks. I won't be buying a new car because I got a new phone. I'll be buying a new car because we will need one for our household...so...again, not a huge thing. Features like Bluetooth are pretty standard these days. These people sound like the same people who complained when CDs came out. "They're shiny! They won't play when you scratch them I'll tell you that!" "All the cars have tape decks HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA dumbasses..." "Oh my god you mean I have to buy a new Walkman to listen to that new album!?!? Wtf!!" Or DVDs over VHS. Or cellphones over landlines. Or debit cards over check or cash.
I thought we were kicking around the apple update, and missed the joke. The Husband stayed up til 0100 doing construction and drinking whiskey. Now he has a helluva hangover. And is still asleep. I want to feel bad for him but I don't.
The person who made that video put it in one of the duck facebook groups I follow (shut up) right after it happened. Scary shit.
Showering outdoors is vastly underrated. The blue sky above you, birds singing, fresh breezes caressing your particulars. Next year I'm going to rig up some sort of screen/enclosure
Thanks for prompting me to waste some time and go on facebook and see if there were really duck facebook groups.
We have a bear that comes through our yard from time to time... I even made him his own Facebook fan page. And let me tell you, bears are PANSIES. All you have to do is shoot a .22 at something like a tree, piece of wood, whatever, and he will run away like a little bitch. I caught him climbing into our goat/chicken pen and just shot the corner of the barn from about 50 yards away and he never went in there again. I would never shoot the bear, because 1) he's just being a bear, which is cool, and 2) with a .22, it would just make him mad.
I finally get to try out Edge Walk this weekend: I am greatly excited, but my wife refuses to talk about it. She isn't even doing it, she's just insanely anxious that I'm doing it. As it soon as it gets brought up : "Shut up shut up shut UP!!!" I'm not even remotely nervous. All of my heroes have been on the roof of the CN Tower: Christopher Plummer, Richard Harris, Dar Robinson, and Super Dave.
Don't forget to grease yourself up with plenty of lard so you can slip in and out of the overalls easily.
Big difference between this guy: ... and this one I like black bears, harmless really. Grizzlies, well they're fucking scary. Saw a black bear when I was fishing in steamboat, it was a cool experience.
I think I have told the story about scaring the grizzly bear out of a Dumpster in Alaska, as well as having to repair a propane tank's piping because a young grizzly bear bit through it, got blasted by ice cold propane for his effort and ran off in a panic, leaving us to fix the tank? Only funny black bear story I have is about the sow and cubs who ate Jell-O powder at a camp I used to visit after breaking into the mess cabin and then got Jell-O squirts all over the floor, so there was eaten food, Jell-O powder bear diarrhea everywhere and a broken back door to the kitchen.