Back when I was a freshman in college, me and some of my friends created a bunch of dirty words akin to "donkey punch", "blumpkin", "dirty sanchez" etc. I posted a bunch of them on, kerbunk just happened to be one of my favorites. kerbunk (Verb) When an overweight individual is having sex on the top of a bunk bed, and the support gives way, crushing the poor bastard who's trying to sleep on the bottom bunk. "Dude, why are you wearing that neck brace?" "I was lying down and Timmy fucking kerbunked me, fracturing my spine" Someone discovered my words about a year ago and we had a thread about it. Here's a link to them on urbandictionary. ... or=Brian+H
I picked my username after I spent some time lurking the RMMB's advice board. It really shouldn't be too hard to figure out why that particular board would make me pick the name "Facepalm."
Mine comes from a legend about my home town Hartlepool, in England. Basically, the enlightened people of my home town hung a shipwrecked monkey during the Napoleonic wars as they thought it was a french spy.
I initially started out on the TMMB back in 2002 or 2003. I wasn't planning on posting, so I wanted something quick to type to sign in, and since I was nowhere near cool enough to be 007, I went with 008. The next iteration of the board, starting in August 2004, required a 4 character name, so being ultra-creative, I went with 0008. I posted rarely (~75 times in 5 years), so when this board started, I wasn't too worried about continuity, since no one would remember me anyway. I decided to go with Jeff, which just happens to be my real name.
My user name reflects my general philosophy regarding people. In my interactions with people, I start from the assumption that everyone should be treated courteously, and with respect, and may in fact not be assholes. Unfortunately, I have found that most people, in fact, prove themselves to be assholes over time. As a wise man once said "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog." And I don't have a dog.
D -First name starts with it Mix - First three letters of my last name 3 - I'm the third Exciting I know
It's the song Gloria by Laura Brannigan. I didn't think it wise to use my God given stripper name as a handle on the TMMB. I needed an alias, and when I thought of the word alias, I thought of Gloria. Decided to stick with it here. Done and done.
Roundhouse is an old nickname I was given while I was at school after an incident in a fencing match. The person responsible for the moniker was confused over its meaning, as I did not foul the match by swiftly kicking my opponent, as the name and situation would imply. He believed, "roundhouse" meant the movement of any limb with a wide arc, and as it was a Saber match, there was a few wide slashes being delivered. The name stuck, and when signing up to the RMMB I decided to use it, as I was rather tired of the screen name I'd been using elsewhere for several years. So I decided to keep it when signing up here.
I use to play an old pimp game called Bordello Battles and my name was Oh Baby Yeah then no spaces and then just shortened to OBY.
I am a really good doctor. Or I am a big fan of both Hunter S. Thompson and the classic era of "Loveline" with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew.
Dixie Bandit: the name I gave my badass '79 Ford F150 in highschool. dixiebandit69: The screen name I have always used on messageboards, with '69' added for ID purposes, and it just sounds cool. Alternate Focus: Why don't we explain our avatars too? Mine is Johnny Cash, because he kicks ass.
Focus: When I was in college, I was a rather cynical sort. I also had a large collection of interesting quotes, so I put the two together and came across "cynismus" - which is Czech for cynicism. Alt focus: Evil monkey from Family Guy. He's one crazy motherfucker.
I stole the idea from a girlfriends email address. I like it. And as for "her", I like Tenacious D and apparently, she likes to wink, and be fucked gently. You figure it out. And I'm a Fuckin' Idiot. Sweet!
annabanana has been my nickname for-oh I don't know-ever. My given name is Ann Marie but my immediately family calls me "Ann" and my friends all call me "Annie." My avatar is just an old one I used to have because frankly, I'm sick of the ass one; it's not mine and I get way too many "compliments" for an ass that's not mine. The new avatar expresses my ever-apparent animosity for people in general between the hours of 8am and 5pm. Though, to be fair, I'm not necessarily topless during that time, as well.
Alt. Focus: My avatar is one of David Mann's paintings (R.I.P.). I've ridden motorcycles in one form or another for as long back as I can remember and I really love David Mann's work. The one I'm using is called Knucklehead. Fitting.
Where I come from, you keep what you kill. Phil had a gold watch, too. But I don't wear watches. Alt Focus "I can fly. I'm pilot."
Lyle is a character off the web comic, He drinks excessively, smokes and is generally belligerent. Fitting for the place it seems. Previously on the old RMMB I was RevDan (though lurked for the majority of the time save for the pop culture board) because I got myself ordained. Since that happened a long time ago and gotten quite sick of the nickname I decided a random change is in order
It was between this and Cunning Linguist. I'll let the interested reader figure out the meaning of the other one.
Rising Sun is a small town in Maryland where I lived from age 1-9. It has 1000 residents and its website is neglected and depressing.
Alt Focus: My avatar is some random guy who was playing the accordion along the Ring of Kerry in Ireland at a place where the buses stopped. I have no idea why the picture resonates with me so much. In fact: