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A boy name Sue and all things "named"

Discussion in 'All-Star Threads' started by hiphopguru, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. sisterkathlouise

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My parents gave me a ridiculously Irish Catholic name, and growing up my aunt would always tease me (and them a little, too) by calling me Sister Katherine Louise, and whenever I misbehaved she'd threaten to send me to a convent. And it's better than Pancake Kate, which stuck for waaaay too much of highschool, and even that is tons better than Plumpy, which came about when I was playing Candy Land, not because I was actually plump.
  2. BeerMonster

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was in Pompeii, Italy, chillin at a hostel. There wasn't anyone else there until a group of 20 people from Madrid showed up. Their english wasn't great, but we acted out what we couldn't figure out. At around 3am, we were all drunk and ran outta beer. I was pissed, because I thought we had a lot left and didn't know where to get more, so I guess I was walking around and ranting and raving. One of the guys was trying to say something to me in Spanish, but I didn't get it. So he stomped around like Godzilla, knocking shit over and stuff, while imitating shotgunning a beer. I still couldn't figure it out. Finally, he brought his friend over who spoke english...

    "He says you're like a Beer Monster."
  3. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    As far as avatars go:

    A few years ago when I operated a small concession stand down at our flea market I inflated this ridiculous snowman as a Christmas decoration. One of our vendors who hadn't paid his rent in a month left a bunch of shit and the snowman was one of the things I confiscated.

    It looked so fucking stupid I just had to take a picture of it because I was drunk and it struck me as hilarious. I never intended it to last as an avatar for so long (Jeez, 3 or 4 years now), but I'm kind of stuck with it.

    Stupid fucking snowman.

    I inflated him one day and blasted the fuck out of him with a 12 gauge. He kind of melted like the wicked witch of the west after one shell, it was nowhere near as entertaining as I imagined it happening. It was pretty anti climatic actually.
  4. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    If we are discussing avatars mine is of my favorite baseball player growing up, Don Mattingly. He would be in the hall of fame if his back didn't go out on him.

    I also have a second that will be going up soon of Jim Calhoun, coach of the UConn Huskies basketball team. I graduated from UConn and watched their basketball team since I was a kid.
  5. Moosed

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 24, 2009
    My user name on my favourite activity at work, I or someone that is involved in the joke ventures up behind some one bent over making Moose antlers (thumbs pointed towards the head fingers spread as far as possible) behind a unsuspecting victim, female is funny but male victims consider this an insult to their manliness.

    This was the idea of a colleague of mine but I took it to the next level, I became the Lord of the Moose. I take no pride in this since I have been banned from being allowed to stay at hotels with my company since the sexual harassment charge from a Irish receptionist who was a little to old to get the joke (or mature whatever) but the greatest ever moose still lives on in the heart of me and co-worker who also got banned for the greatest moment in his working career just for laughing at the Moose mentioned above.
  6. cllrbone11

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Mine has been my name for pretty much anything online since the seventh grade. I broke my collarbone in a hockey game and thought that removing some vowels would lead to a cool AIM screen name. 11 was my favorite number. I've been meaning to change it, especially since it can get weird to try to dictate to people what my email is (something about the word bone) but haven't gotten around to it.