I know that a love for James Deen is a trend with TiBettes, so I'm going to give a PSA to not follow him on Twitter. Every now and then he posts something funny or cute (and lots of images of his naked costars) but for the most part there is a lot of punctuation and smiley faces and things that take me so far out of my porn vision of him. Being reminded that he's just another young boy is sad sometimes. I prefer to think of him as this superhuman Banging Machine.
I'll confess to occasionally wanting to use a smilie or some sort of emotican so the tone of the post comes through. But I am glad that they aren't allowed here because people can't use restraint. And it challenges you to think...."do I really need to make that post" if your intent is that unclear. But yes, I can see why you wouldn't want your tough guy sex machine to use glitter graphics like a 14 year old girl.
Maybe dumb people are better fucks. JamesDeen James Deen HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH YOU!!!!!!!!!! i want to put stuff in your butt 2 minutes in.
They do if they're used right. But getting ten thousand smileys a day makes me think I'm talking to either a retard or a serial killer.
I watched Mean Girls a couple weeks ago. She was not only hot but actually had some talent at one time. How the mighty have fallen, here she is with her mother. NSFW
I'm not a smiley user, but I do admit I use "lol" and "ha ha ha" in text messaging to show that I am joking and or understood their joke.
Consistently using multiple explanation points is an efficient way of saying "I'm excited, but I'm also an idiot."
The only smileys I use are the sad face and the angry face because they're supposed to be doing my sad or angry pout in real life when the emotions are mostly in jest. What I hate more than anything is the simple smiley face. It is almost never necessary and just looks childish, or they're being used passive aggressively, like when someone says "No offense, but" and then rips you a new asshole. They tend to accompany dickish remarks or teasing or arguing, and it drives me nuts. The winking and tongue-sticking-out ones makes me feel like I'm being molested. And that's what I have to say about emoticons.